Outlook Still no clue as to the drop? Down circa £1 since July last year, though a slight recovery from the lows of April. Mind, I was never sure of the reason for the high price last summer, could the market have been expecting a takeover from Ecotricity that never materialised?
Re: RNS - Ecotricity Ecotricity's £13.5 million overdraft facility is due for renewal by the end of this month. It's not ideal timing as the recent surge in gas and electricity prices due to the Beast from the East could have added to the pressures on working capital. As a positive, Ecotricity say they have been moving from quarterly billing to monthly to ease the pressure on cash flow. Ecotricity's last accounts showed its shareholding in Good Energy Group on a revalued cost basis of £10.575 million compared to a current mid-market value of £5.63 million.Life doesn't seem easy for the smaller energy suppliers at the moment.
Re: RNS - Ecotricity I was just having a look at the Ecotricity Group Limited accounts for the year to April 2017 which have recently been filed at Companies House. They seem to have had a difficult year with a few issues that needed sorting out. Forest Green Rovers is costing them £2 million a year and debt has risen by £20 million in each of the last 2 years to fund investment in new projects. Good luck with your bonds!
Outlook Wonder why the recent drop, any views?Could the recent events from Ecotricity resurface.Cheers
Re: RNS - Ecotricity I have been a long term supporter of Ecotricity, holding their bonds and using them to supply my energy. However as a shareholder of Good Energy it's clear there is no justification for allowing them to have a seat on the board. If they want to mount a takeover bid then that's up to them - though I think it would be regrettable to unify the two strongest competitors to the big companies. - otherwise they should leave Good alone.
RNS - Ecotricity This sounds like to start of another argument by Ecotricity. Fell out with Tesla a couple of years ago and now own a quarter of a competitor and wanting to get on the board. They are a private company without shareholders so they may be a more personal expression of their founder and his attitudes. Cannot help but wonder if their is a longer term merger/takeover here, though GE seem rightly negative on the whole thing...
Good energy and battery storage Does anyone know if GE are working with energy storage for the renewable installations - batteries/flow batteries/hydrogen conversion etc...balancing energy supply should be one of their key focuses clearly
Re: RNS Good results I hesitate to disagree, but the profit this Company generates is very small. I don't understand why it has been consistently selling solar plants it has been developing, unless it's because they are always short of cash. It has heavy borrowings on which it has to pay significant interest. The PE ratio is very high (and IHMO too high for a Company with very poor history of cash generation. I note that a lot of the divis it pays are reinvested by shareholders back into the business so maybe there are lots of loyal shareholders. Historically however the div is not covered by cash generation. Getting the investors to reinvest their divis could be viewed as a clever way of giving an illusion of cash generation?
RNS Good results making strong progress..."In 2016, Good Energy delivered growth of 41% in revenue, 29% growth in gross profit and 41% growth in operating profit while managing the challenges of an increasing competitive UK energy market and volatile wholesale energy market."
For followers of the new energy economy AFC has released an RNS about its first commercial sale of its fuel cell system.
Re: Will the rise keep on going The latest RNS is definitely bad news!I'm not sure what proportion of electricity "Good" generate in house but in times of "volatility" and upward price movements the more the better. Selling off their generating assets for a small profit does not make much sense.Beware!
GOOD news good news is always welcome. anything that bolsters the broad user uptake of renewable energy will support the shift from old energy to new.
Re: Will the rise keep on going Depends if the new majority shareholder makes a bid......
Will the rise keep on going Curious to understand if this rise will carry on. Any thoughts on what bad news can rock this one. Cheers.
I'm in Hello GM I have just bought a few. I see SM is here as well.Loadsadough