"Bang on" ! lol 1435 ahah !
Re: 1435 next target here you go , BANG ON ) said with a big smile on my face . just sorry it took exactly 1 month lol ....ehm ehm . Pretty much 'bang' on with the timing I had expected too. Not a bad trade at all . Original post on the 24th of Feb .
) Obviously I won't be right the whole time nobody is . But i am decent enough and the posts on iii hopefully will back that up . I don't have an issue though with LG on the contrary , she makes a lot of calls so some will go wrong , I suspect she'll have tight stop losses or timeframes that may be different to others. The shame is that she doesn't explain her targets , timings etc. Other that here ( as I was behaving exactly the same way on purpose ) I always do . Mine are usually 5days . 1 months or max around 3months trades this is due to the time of break out I look at , i.e. if a pattern takes 5 days , 1 month or 3 months to form I have enough data and back testing to support an idea of how long it should then take to reach the target , and an idea of the chance of success and failure , based on pattern testing. Most of the time its all about how you manage the risk i.e. place the stop loss * the chance of failure vs the target profit * the chance of success . Funnily enough that very basic calculation is not understood by 90% of the retail investors out there . What other stocks do you look at Captain LK ? Other than I know you looked at Sirius but that is not one for me. Am starting to look into WEIR ( which is where i saw you posted recently ) , currently formed an interesting pattern and has an interested chart consolidation after the long fall .
Re: 1435 next target Onedb1,"35p away ! getting closer now ."Don't forget to give us a "Bang on!" when we hit your 1435p target .... cos we clearly ain't gonnae get one from Lambrusco for her 625p target.[link] on the flybridge
Re: 1435 next target 35p away ! getting closer now . My TA is always on target )))))) or close lol .
Re: chartists!! One a,I shall always have a soft spot for LG as a result of her giving me a heads up about the "s" in "https" thingy (how to post links, so that you don't haveta cut 'n paste 'em into a new tab).But, in general, I agree with you about the "BANG ON" remarks. It is always really annoying when someone has a trademark sign-off that they use ad nauseam.LKH on the flybridge
Re: chartists!! My gripe is:1) they are always sell posts2) they don't give a time frame, or when they do its a very long one3) the arrogant 'BANG ON' remarks when a share falls - sometimes months after the call.Less arrogance in the posts would go some way to not annoying holders of the shares on the boards.
1435 next target nm
Re: chartists!! hold it ! not all chartists . My calls are mostly TA based and I trade full time for quite some time now . Well over 4 years actually . You may have caught my calls around these bbs. No one can deny the very good track record . I'd give you my account screen print , that would make some take notice . You can't deny that my track record is clear , precise and explained well . Other than my long term play on FRR all the rest is a CFD or Spread Bet . Even if I was a 10 year old on a simulator , the calls are still good . Most not all obviously and I post when I lose , there is nothing wrong with that at all . If one chartist gets 1 trade wrong or 2 or 3 you have to evaluate over a decent data set . How about asking about the Stop loss , the risk reward and the overall profitability . Follow all posts and then criticise . The fact that FINRA acknowledges charting and approves the Market Technician Association chartered status means that you can't blame the tool . How the charts are then interpreted is a different story . I was stalking Genus myself as I do all stocks with a period of consolidation . I didn't trade purely because of my margin ( today full ) and the gap up , I had a buy at 1310 but never got filled due to the gap up . Not because my charts did not spot this . I also had a sell order at 1210 . So attacking charts because Lambrini called this wrong is really wrong . All the best
Hmmmm I see that my entry point was 1320p back in August 2012, so, given that the divis have not been much to write home about, perhaps it was a little optimistic to state that it was a stroke of genius to buy Genus, given that it's only now 1381p.Still, never mind, eh? It's done very well recently. So that's all right.LKH etc
Re: chartists!! Once a week,"Bang On... NOT"Oh very good, m8! I had failed to spot Lambretta's booboo, but I shall take every opportunity on the other boards which she and I infest to pull her leg about this.I had been beginning to regret my foray into this puppy (just over 3% of wad) but am now convinced that it was instead a stroke of sheer gen[i]us to invest in the pig 'n bull sperm warrior.Go Genus!LKH on the flybridge also doing well with BLT today (among others)
Re: chartists!! Bang On... NOT. News drives share prices.
Re: GENUS BROKER COVERAGE 22 Dec 2014 Genus PLC GNS Liberum Capital Buy 0.00 1,285.00 1,400.00 1,400.00 ReiteratesSP TARGET 1400p
Re: GNS Alternative To Bacteria Chicken 01 Dec 2014 Genus PLC GNS Liberum Capital Buy 1,291.00 1,291.00 1,400.00 1,400.00 ReiteratesSP targert 1400p
GNS Alternative To Bacteria Chicken <b>70% of Chickens have bacteria</b>..XMAS TRADE!!.... Beef = GNS GENUS Pork = CWK CRANSWICK as alternatives for chrissy dinner and parties etc.GNS as the better chart and Ive found out they do both Beef and Pork. Long on GNS[link]