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Clarence Beaks 06 Dec 2017

Re: time to bail here you go the biggest trade of day so far - 080 - 06/12 Sell 528448 329.15p £1,739,386.59

Clarence Beaks 06 Dec 2017

Re: time to bail because previously it seemed to like a price around £2.75 and it's been dropping the past few weeks really with the odd blip. Market loves rotting the SP down to something small investors cant fathom out why it's so low. It's lost what 58p now in the past 2 weeks? not that impressive and others are jumping on the bandwagon. there was some major sells yesterday, like £12m, £6m etc. smart money knows its tanking for christmas and bailing. then again surprise smart money didn't sell them at £3.80+!

nodammmoney 05 Dec 2017

Re: time to bail Why would it go south of £3? Is it going bust? Coppers dropped from its high plus news from China on 14th December is keeping this low if china report steady then back up she goes

Clarence Beaks 05 Dec 2017

time to bail not letting this go south of £3 again without the profit.

nodammmoney 30 Nov 2017

Re: Sold I have no idea but all the miners are down not just glencore maybe they went up too fast or maybe china oulook but it seems very much over done to me

Clarence Beaks 30 Nov 2017

Re: Sold why is it continually sliding then day on day? brokers talk nonsense most of the time I've realised in their targets.

nodammmoney 30 Nov 2017

Re: Sold Moving on to what? That's the trouble everthing looks toppy you not think glencore will go up ? It's a very different beast to what it was heavily in debt and a low SP now it reduced its debt dramatically and back to paying a dividend a lot higher SP and brokers have this at well over £4 the majority of them

Clarence Beaks 30 Nov 2017

Re: Sold Its been sliding all week really from its £3.88 high a while ago. thinking of dumping it all and moving on.

nodammmoney 30 Nov 2017

Re: Sold Has anyone got any thoughts on the price drop and where the bottom is ? £3.20s £3.30s and why this current price drop has occurred from £3.80s to now? When glencore is doing so well with its debt reduction and improving finance

gamesinvestor 29 Nov 2017

Re: Sold EW -- Let's see on WPP in a year from now. Content in advertising is still important -- but you are right about the measurement of the effectiveness of ads and that is what is haunting the market view on WPP at present. I see Britvic is fizzing today which is 3% of my wad.Getting out of Glencore seems a reasonable call so far.Games

Eadwig 21 Nov 2017

Re: Sold First, I'll just point out that GLEN is largely moving with the Cu price and shaking off various potential legal problems as many large companies do these days. The analysts still don't get it. How GLEN can go down during a rising oil price environment which will be boosting GLEN's trading revenues massively is beyond me. I attempted to add more but my limit order has been foiled by the rise in copper the last couple of days.[O/t RE: WPP] Games, " it's pretty cheap for a company that's grown at a compound annual rate of 31% for 30 years."Projected flat this year, though, which is why the market has slaughtered the share price, I guess.It isn't just about 'digital'. It is the fact that Google and Facebook can match advertisers to their customers very, very precisely - and have the data to prove it. Far more than that, SME's especially, have the obvious correlation between ad campaigns, additional click-throughs or other responses and new sales laid out before them 'in black and white'. A different type of marketing very often to WPP's big 50 main customers that provide most of their revenue. Facebook and Google are now their two biggest customers, ironically. However, so far as I know, WPP don't have the vast results from years of 'data mining' that can match customer's aspirations and latent demand with suppliers. Even if they have it, they probably can't pull it all together from all their groups, and then would need to pay Google, FB and others for use of their platforms.If you have ever worked in a small business with some cash budgeted to attempt advertising to increase customer numbers and revenues you will know just how hit and miss this once was. Most of the time you couldn't be sure any increase in sales was actually down to the ad campaign. What is on offer now changes that whole outlook completely for many a smaller company - though it wont be appropriate for all.'Blue sky thinking' to open up brand new markets will still be required too, although every time someone responds to one of those quizzes friends post on Facebook they are giving market research companies invaluable insights into possible new markets along with many other things. Nothing stopping WPP companies placing such data gathering devices on FB themselves, of course, but they'll have to pay for the privilege.Expertise in some areas like global brand promotion will probably remain within WPP's bailiwick for some time to come... until replaced by Google's A.I. blue sky thinkers maybe ... but that is exactly the part of the market where cost cutting took place this year.Eadwig

BBanker 16 Nov 2017

Will GLEN make a bid for the rest of Zanaga Iron now that everything is in place to proceed with development of the site? It could add value at the right price and the shareholders in Zanaga could be attracted to a deal with the stock currently significantly undervalued. Watch this space!!!

gamesinvestor 13 Nov 2017

Re: Sold "Ultimately, I think they're being squeezed because there is a cheaper way to better get the message to your customers these days. So his strategy better deal with that."EW -- you might be right on WPP, however, the media bothers me less than the content and the expertise. Also WPP already has 40+% of it's business digitally orientated.It's a modest investment for me (0.64% of my wad) and it's pretty cheap for a company that's grown at a compound annual rate of 31% for 30 years.Games

Eadwig 09 Nov 2017

Re: Sold Games,If my 'range order' has worked correctly, I will have bought some more GLEN today @360 with a plan to sell @380p (I still hold a tranche average around @280p). I'm not actually logged into my account s you can tell. but, even if that order has gone through I remain well over 20% in cash now, and am approx 5-6% short on the FTSE 100 also.Be careful with WPP, I'm not sure Sorrell fully understands what the problem is in the way he weights the problems with competition from Facebook and Google. WPP now forecasting flat growth for the year, FB just reported an 80% increase in ad revenues last quarter. Yes, those two are WPP's biggest customers, but they also bypass WPP increasingly, I believe.I may be wrong and maybe there is a pressure on big business to keep costs down despite a reasonably buoyant global market. Sorrell should know, given his salary, but I'm not convinced his analysis that their large customers spending less with them is a 'Pavlovian response' they re all following blindly. Those companies also have pretty clever CEOs.Anyway, its just a view and WPP have many fingers in many types of pies surrounding the whole advertising business so they may well find current customers spending more next year and some of their own divisions may come up with sources to better target ads.Ultimately, I think they're being squeezed because there is a cheaper way to better get the message to your customers these days. So his strategy better deal with that.Good luck. The way the country is crumbling around us we're all gonna need it soon. (Interestingly ad spend from big companies has remained strong in UK in a declining economy).Eadwig, appointment with MP next week, except he's been suspended. Will he still do his constituent surgery AND still haver some clout against HMRC on my behalf?? Probably not knowing my luck.

gamesinvestor 09 Nov 2017

Re: Sold "It certainly does. Then again, so did it this time last year, and I know some people who have been sitting in cash and missed a lot of potential growth over that time."EW -- I see your point and it's not a long term plan -- but I've only just moved to cash having sold Glaxo at the peak, 1/2 Burberry (which after today's drop I bought some back), Diageo because it's being run by a lunatic, AZN after great profits but the business is dying, JMAT, Glencore, RIO.So mostly profitable holds now gone and 28% in cash.I'm selectively picking up the bones of the falls after results announced. Bought some WPP at 1288Games
