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16:33 17/04/2014

Nice healthy small retrace today on lower volume. Looking forward to the next leg up next week.

13:11 17/04/2014

I think we may surge pm (I hope so), but not because of takeover talk (only talk I've seen is from you) - because of the "high tenor grade" assay results expected imminently, and perhaps some other news..

12:41 17/04/2014

LOL 2m does in no way make a flood. Especially when

11:29 17/04/2014

Unless the forthcoming results are very good of course.

11:10 17/04/2014

No 5p doesn't sounds very realistic to me. Maybe 2p.

10:45 17/04/2014

nahkit - which planet are you from? Presumably one without the concept of time.

17:49 16/04/2014

Looking good folks.

16:12 16/04/2014

yep no price from broker - can't get hold of anymore

13:38 16/04/2014


12:08 16/04/2014

warren1 - I can confirm that I have heard the same thing.

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