Rosneft Agree a gas pipeline deal with the Kurds.
NEW ARTICLE: The Oil Man: SDX Energy, Genel Energy, Premier Oil, Hunting "WTI $47.43 -98c, Brent $52.04 -53c, Diff -$4.61 +45c, NG $2.95 +2cWith hurricane Harvey moving swiftly towards Texas and landfall expected overnight tonight, much of the oil industry has shut-in production both offshore and onshore.Almost exactly ..."[link]
NEW ARTICLE: Trends and Targets for 25/08/2017 " FTSE FOR FRIDAY (FTSE:UKX) There's little doubt this week has been grotty with the markets moving slower than a politician trying to issue an apology. From our perspective, the last couple of sessions were signalling some decent upward ..."[link]
Double your money! Yes finally doubled my investment value since buying a couple of thousand at 75p in February. Yippee but think I will hang on a bit longer- might be a multibagger yet! If only it goes same way as FXPO and KAZ for me! And not like some other disasters. Still that's how it is- the winners have to win more than the losers lose! We all have both!
Good news Genel Energy plc Definitive agreement reached with KRG on receivables Genel Energy plc ('Genel' or 'the Company') is pleased to announce a definitive agreement with the Kurdistan Regional Government ('KRG') relating to unpaid entitlements for past oil sales from the Taq Taq and Tawke fields. Cash flow is expected to be materially enhanced over the course of the agreement, delivering significant value creation for all stakeholders. A Receivable Settlement Agreement ('RSA') has been signed between Genel and the KRG, with a Tawke Production Sharing Contract ('PSC') Amendment also being executed. In return for cancelling and waiving its rights to outstanding receivables relating to unpaid entitlements for past oil sales, Genel will benefit from the following: · In addition to proceeds for current sales, Genel will receive 4.5% of Tawke gross field revenues for the five year period from 1 August 2017 to 31 July 2022 ('the Genel Override')· Genel's capacity building payments ('CBP') on the profit share element of its Tawke entitlement will be eliminated over the entire life of the Tawke field· The KRG has agreed with all audit adjustments on the petroleum costs on the Tawke PSCs and on Genel's share of petroleum costs in the Taq Taq PSC for the period up to 31 July 2017· Outstanding production bonuses and PSC liabilities on the Taq Taq and Tawke fields totalling c.$30 million net to Genel have been set off against the receivable and as a result are no longer payable
DNO share down 7.5% DNO share price down 7.5% this morning. The market didn't like their report apparently.
Turkey KRG [link]
Re: Why no views on Genel? Whitehat: Yes, there are a few of us with regrets about Genel aren't there?You mention LSE? That's London South East not the actual London Stock Exchange? I inadvertently visited them a while back and checked out their 'about' page expecting to see some solid corporate background, stuff about governance, essential regulatory info etc. etc.- instead I was informed that ' is the best way to research, trade, and keep informed about shares'. An impressive claim but nothing much of substance actually about the company. Delving into the very small print, elsewhere, it seems the site is some sort of gateway to a trading company with a similar name which is owned by another outfit entirely. All above board, I'm sure, yet it seems crazy to me that a bona fide investment services company should contrive to appear so dubious. I also checked out the BB tonight: one of the guys there doesn't know a 'damp squid' from a 'damp squib' - it's not encouraging.
Re: Why no views on Genel Thanks Whitehat and Boyobach I appreciate your replies. Most of my shares were bought at 100p and so I feel most annoyed that at the current price I would be on the verge of breaking even at 150p. Even now I believe Jefferies Group have a valuation of 58p and Barclays 90p which makes me feel very reluctant to get involved with Genel again in the near future. I was just baffled that with such an increase in 4 months why there wasn't somebody who was coming on and saying it was going to be a 'ten bagger' and it was time to buy, buy, buy! Good luck to you both..
Re: Why no views on Genel? Hi Needsumluk - Well, the fall from £11 to 80p took around 3 years and there was lots of comment and debate about it here The reasons were, of course, far more than just the price of oil.But, as you say, not much comment about the last few months of steady rise from the ashes.If you held this share through £11 and sold around 57p, your nom de guerre really is apposite. Having lost substantially myself I do sympathise, although I did bail at an earlier stage and have managed to recoup some of my losses by trading and hope to turn a profit eventually.The lack of comments here can be attributed to most sensible folks eventually losing the will to continue - it's hardly been the post-Vallares success story we bought into has it? Plainly, the recent half year report was well received - and that really provides all the answers to your question 'Why the rise?'. Whether the market reaction was proportionate is for you to judge. As a holder, I'm not complaining. I intend to continue holding and trading for the time being, especially now that the company may genuinely have turned a corner (to quote a phrase used very prematurely by Mr Hayward a couple of years ago). Whether the sp is about to break upwards or fall back, to maybe 110p is a moot point. Below 110 would indicate a more severe retrace in my view.
Re: Why no views on Genel? Hi Needsumluk,I used to post on here (still do on a few other share BB's) but there was very little going on about Genel for a long while so I moved over to the LSE site. There's some great chat from some long-term holders deep in the poo, just like us . But there's a good vibe and some talented posters, too. I have no vested interest in LSE, I just want to let you know it is there if you choose to give the site a try. The link to the Genel BB is:[link] EnergyIt would be good to get another opinion and point of view. Hope to see you, and anyone else reading this, on there. There's even the "guess the Friday closing SP" competition. How can you resist?
All the best,Whitehat
Why no views on Genel? This is my first comment on III discussion boards and I am normally content to just read what people have to say about various shares, however I feel driven to ask what has happened to all the views on this share, hardly a comment since June. I bought this share at about £6 and saw it rise to £11. Then with the oil collapse it dropped to about 80p until the end of March this year when it plummeted to 56p on reports of reduced oil in wells, ISIS, KRG payments, debt repayments etc. Not wishing to see a repeat of the GKP disaster I reluctantly sold at 57p. However since I sold not a day has gone past without the share price increasing and now stands at approx 126p.....a 120% rise.Has no one got a comment on this....why has it happened? I know the company just made a slight profit but has the situation improved so dramatically. Has no one got any views on this? Please advise...
SP Antics I guess because of it's history of disappointment, people do tend to overreact to the slightest bit of good news at Genel. Good for banking some profits.
A Takeover Guide [link] 45,46 and 47 are interesting for those that may be unaware of threshiolds.
Daax 15% RNS: Daax yesterday acquired just enough shares (about £12k worth) to cross the 15% threshold.