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kooker 31 Oct 2015

Re: RNS - not looking good To be honest I think the signs have been there for quite some time but I, along with the majority, have chose to ignore them

Hardboy 31 Oct 2015

Re: Life "Hope the company makes an announcement soon." (Fri 23:22)Their latest update was at 17:28.

Mpg1 31 Oct 2015

Re: RNS - not looking good theres obviously no money and probably never was. as for people working for them theres probably not many of them either.they have no nomad anymore so they WILL delist in 30 days................. amazing how things can change in one week!

seadoc 31 Oct 2015

Re: Life From FT:"So, given the importance of raising capital to the Aim broker model, perhaps that would be a good place to start: surrendering 100 per cent of fees, plus penalties, for flotations and capital raisings when a prospectus is later shown to have been false."[link]

frigginrascal 30 Oct 2015

Life Hope the company makes an announcement soon.We need news.

Gooffy 30 Oct 2015

Re: RNS - not looking good I am sure the bank has been on the phone. They tend to check things out.I just hope they have sufficient funds to continue trading, if not its worth nothing and all those people who work for the company are out of jobs.Grant Thornton must have done some checks on the financials if not they are very negligent.

arborman 30 Oct 2015

Re: RNS - not looking good "not looking good" ..... understatement of the yearFor me the following passage says it all..... "the Company continues to work with the relevant parties to seek to establish the current financial position" ..... When i need to know my current financial position i tend to check my bank balance, but then again I probably have more cash in the bank than GBO!

Gooffy 30 Oct 2015

RNS - not looking good I think there should be some insurance for AIM shares run by AIM, it could be paid for by the companies in AIM. Events like this just do AIM so much damage.Anyway could be booted out of AIM in a month from this RNS.

Hardboy 30 Oct 2015

Re: Class Action - Gallant Gallant, I think there may be a case against the NEDs too. I made the throw away line that "this is where the NEDs earn their money" meaning sorting this mess out; and they should be earning it of course.However, in the Stoy Hayward guide for NEDs (I'm afraid I can't quote from it - I'm in the middle of moving house & it's somewhere in a cardboard box) says the main reason for having NEDs is to act as policemen to ensure the company is being run correctly.For that reason they strongly recommend that NEDs should never have shares in the business (otherwise they may be tempted to perpetuate a fraud by Execs as we have here.) If that is their main reason, then these NEDs have failed in their duties.

kooker 30 Oct 2015

Re: GBO Class Action - kooker I would also like to join Class Action.

Montyzuma 30 Oct 2015

Re: Class Action - Gallant I would also join the Class ActionI know this firm and the individual that wrote this article.

gallant02 30 Oct 2015

Re: Class Action - Gallant Posted on ADVFN in response to my notice. Worth a read...[link]

Gooffy 30 Oct 2015

It wasn't me Any idea where he is?Perhaps we nee Magnum to find out.

Gooffy 30 Oct 2015

It wasn't me Any idea where he is?Perhaps we nee Magnum to find out.

GCCR 30 Oct 2015

Re: Who did Costis sell to ? Hardboy......Thinking about it, you're quite right, if he's enough of a fellon to have done this he would have no qualms about not reporting his sells either !
