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oilovlam 12 Mar 2015

Gold prospector GBGR is now a gold producer and a gold prospector. The best of both worlds perhaps? I think the statement is interesting: "Discussions commenced with international mining contractors to fast track development of Sekisovskoye underground development and minimise initial capital investment. "It must be a juggling trick to maximise underground production and at the same time progress the underground development with minimal 'initial' cost. Do they go flat out developing the mine in as short a time as possible (which will probably impact ore production) or do they develop slowly - with lower initial cost presumably - and try to increase ore production incrementally.The current 6 months underground output is 55,800 tonnes which equates to about 6,000 Oz (according to me). This has to be increased at least 200-300% over the next 18-24 months, preferably a lot more. Tricky times ahead. Lots of places to spend money - including prospecting the new area. There may be a squeeze on gold production as they shift from open pit to underground ore. Plus the price of gold could do anything. A very 'interesting' time to be managing the company.I get the feeling that they will need some external financing - a cheap loan from the Kazakh government would be nice.But they seem to be moving towards a serious gold mining company. The next 12-18 months is critical IMO.

next-time-lucky 12 Mar 2015

H2 update Much in line with expectations. Hope the note on using Others expertise in reducing the capital costs proves to be fruitful; plus with all commodities dropping the equipment cost may be similarly viewed?? The cost of fuel is one unknown BUT is it significant in the moving of materials?? The next RNS should give the way forward for the underground development........

oilovlam 05 Mar 2015

Re: Company history? I know what you're saying. Perhaps Paul McKenna could do a group hypnosis of former Hambledon shareholders and make us forget the past.The next year could change the fortunes of the company quite dramatically. Let's just hope that the BOD can deliver on their ambitions (touch wood). So far they are doing a better job that the Hambledon chancers.

AlphaCentauri 05 Mar 2015

Re: Company history? Most of us would probably rather forget what happened in the past.......!!!!!

oilovlam 05 Mar 2015

Company history? Isn't it a great way to make all the old company information disappear by just changing your name? The charts don't exist from before they changed their name. Even the RNS information isn't available here. They are still Hambledon mining, why does all the old information disappear now that they are Goldbridges. It seems that there is a problem with the databases on these financial sites. They seem to be creating a new company from scratch rather than changing the name of the company. The latter method would retain all the historical information. It is great for a company with skeletons in the cupboard or who want to forget about the past and reinvent themselves. Less good for investors who want to know what has happened in the past.

oilovlam 04 Mar 2015

Re: Management Reports Does anyone know when the results are due? I had a quick look on the website but couldn't find anything. Maybe there is a delay because they joined the main market and that has caused everything to shift. I would have thought that the main market was more strict on delayed results than AIM. At the least I would have thought they have an obligation to inform investors and the market as to when results are due. Must be very soon.I would have thought that the funding of the underground development is critical to the next 12 months not to say the future of the company.

AlphaCentauri 26 Feb 2015

Re: Management Reports Valid comment but anything other than an AIM listing must be some sort of progress!

next-time-lucky 26 Feb 2015

Management Reports Well the move to the main market has not necessarily improved the management reporting or communications. The H2 figures seem to be delayed and my expectation is that the production will be very similar to last year. Now the winter is drawing to a close it would be useful to have an update on the plan for the new shafts expected to be under-way in this financial year???

oilovlam 19 Feb 2015

Re: Interesting Price Hike Today No laughing matter? I think Putin is splitting his sides as he runs rings around Nato and the European peaceniks. Don't get me wrong, it is always best to sue for peace but with Putin you need a big stick to beat him over the head when he starts to play his games.I haven't heard any talk that he has intentions for Kazakhstan. There is talk that he may start his hybrid war in Estonia & Latvia. Borderline Europeans with a large Russian minority.

AlphaCentauri 19 Feb 2015

Re: Interesting Price Hike Today << But knowing my luck Putin will probably invade first!!>>That had crossed my mind. No laughing matter.....

oilovlam 18 Feb 2015

Re: Interesting Price Hike Today NTL, you can see a deal coming, what form could that take? Financing terms for the underground development. Kazakh government funds directly to the company, something to do with the newly acquired gold prospects., something else?Let us hope that production is maintained or improving, that they have found a way to fund the underground development cheaply and a way to utilise the open pit equipment in extracting gold from the new gold bearing regions (do they even have a license to mine yet...I cannot remember?). Seems to me that the next year will be critical to the company. Can they get production up towards their forecasts from the underground mine on its own. Gold price needs to stay where it is or increase. If production reaches 100,000 Oz then the current SP will be seen as cheap IMO. But knowing my luck Putin will probably invade first!!

next-time-lucky 18 Feb 2015

Re: Interesting Price Hike Today Well whoever is sitting on the CFD, RNS 20th Jan it looks like it was not a short as the price is moving hopefully in an upward trend?? Based on previous experience this could be an indicator of a deal coming to light?? DYOR.

AlphaCentauri 17 Feb 2015

Interesting Price Hike Today Thought it might be one big buy but no, lots of medium ones. Can't be bad news but I wish I could see where this is going.

oilovlam 14 Feb 2015

Re: $2.2m from Akmola AC, does it really matter how much it is worth per share. It will disappear into the hole underground....or perhaps a fleet of luxury cars for the management. But no, it will go towards the development of the mine and mean they will need a little less money this year from the banks. $28m instead of $30m (I do hope it is dollars and not pounds)

AlphaCentauri 13 Feb 2015

$2.2m from Akmola I am assuming that this is a "post balance sheet event" so it will not appear in the accounts to Dec 14. I have tried to work out how much that is per share but my brain cannot handle all the zeros after the decimal point!

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