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evenlongershot 22 Apr 2015

Re: It's too quiet, Tonto The board should remain open until we know for sure whether our 5p is coming good or not

Roger Baron 21 Apr 2015

Re: It's too quiet, Tonto N

Guyfawkes 21 Apr 2015

It's too quiet, Tonto Well all is quiet. Will this be the last post, I wonder?

Patrick K Murphy 31 Mar 2015

Re: We should be told ..... What if this board disappears? Mail MercersRoad.

Jag3 30 Mar 2015

Re: We should be told ..... Not there until May Bravon.

spinney3 30 Mar 2015

..Being told Hi do sound glum! Its such a shame when we have been told and you are still clearly in the dark. I have e mailed and i have found the information, correspondence and the willingness to answer questions all to the highest standards. I am not sure who you are trying to convince with your argument..I suspect it may be yourself? A number of writers on this discussion board, who have been thanked for their knowledge and advice over time, have encouraged people to e mail....I am pleased I did and I sincerely hope you do. Best wishes.

Bravon 30 Mar 2015

Re: We should be told ..... I sensed you were really one of the good guys Jag3 ! How was the Fado ? B

Jag3 30 Mar 2015

Re: We should be told ..... 2 Jag's Prescott indeed, I only wish I could post my photo with Maggie on this BB real proof of my allegiance!!

Bravon 30 Mar 2015

Re: We should be told ..... Some of us prefer to see what we're drinking Roger ! And, these days at least, everything comes out eventually ! B.

Roger Baron 30 Mar 2015

Re: We should be told ..... You can try to lead a horse to water.......Bravon, if you don't want to email him fine, but don't say you weren't warned. It might be you never even hear about the outcome. Last I am writing on the subject.

Bravon 30 Mar 2015

We should be told ..... Maybe I have adopted the role of 'Devil's Advocate' around here, but I do think it's good for everyone to take a broader perspective now and again.. Just a couple of comments, therefore, on the current discussion thread.I am surprised that the 'action group' is not a little more transparent, or have its members been too close to FTO for too long ? Why not simply post what's going on on this Board ? The answer is probably 'so as not to show their hand', but probably they've got a mole or two anyway, and I struggle to see how a position that is either legally right or wrong will be compromised by a little openness. If they stop acting like the BoD, and practice what they preach, then maybe a lot more people could see their way to offering support. But not if they don't know what the action is that they are supporting.Okay, so we can email mercersroad but, in this wonderful world of electronic skullduggery, one of the reasons that many people take part in these discussions is that they can do so anonymously. I have cautioned previously that, whilst most contributors are probably bona fide PIs, inevitably you also have others who have totally different agendas. Even where some appear to use real names, they may not be their real names. So one has to build a whole new skill-set in dealing with this medium, and many are rightly very cautious.Many, even if broadly interested, will not give up that anonymity by e-mailing mercersroad. Sure, if you know how, you can cloak an email too, but most wont go that route. So my simple view is that, if the action group want more support they need to be transparent about what they are doing, and then they may pursuade people that it is worthwhile dropping their anonimity to join in. Next there's this strange view that the silent majority, who either voted in favour or abstained, are either wrong or apathetic. Maybe not. Certainly a few don't have their eyes on the ball but, quite probably, most chewed it over and decided that 10p (and in many cases a good profit) in the pocket was better than going back to 'jam tomorrow'. These are people who make investment decisions, otherwise they wouldn't hold shares, and presumably can think for themselves. Most people, whether as investors or in any other parts of life, are not activists; we are the few, and maybe we need to show a bit more respect for the many ?Then, finally, l don't think that anyone should be giving the idea that only members of the action group will benefit from any improvements that may be forthcoming. I doubt that you can legally compromise the rights of other shareholders (now CVR holders); all have equal rights, and any improved terms should surely be available to all.So, come on mercersroad & co, are you willing to be more transparent ? Or maybe, just as I still think that Jag3 is probably John Prescott, perhaps mercersroad is really Bill Mok putting on a sideshow ? In the words of Private Eye, "we should be told !"Cheers all. B.

Roger Baron 28 Mar 2015

Re: The Fat Lady agiain Phillipwise words, but I would suggest that whatever way people voted they should email Mercersroad.The worst that can happen is they find out what is going on, they don't need to get involved.If they do get involved it is unlikely to cost them anything, but if there is any cost that is negligible compared to the level of cash they have received. the potential upside is far far greater.

Guyfawkes 28 Mar 2015

Re: Just noticed Bought out by BoD for 10p per share. Unlikely possibility of another 5p in the form of a CVR within 12 months - stringent conditions attached to the payment of this 5p hence the unlikely nature of its payment. Interesting debates on this subject between Bravon and Mercersroad. Suggest you read these posts.

ant foster 28 Mar 2015

Just noticed Hi. I haven't paid much attention to my portfolio for several months (health problems). Just logged onto iii this morning and found FTO gone. It's only 11,000 shares, but it's showing zero value. What's happened. Thanks in advance? A

pete011111 28 Mar 2015

Re: The Fat Lady agiain Gotta be in it to win it! Anyone not registered with mercersroad at [email protected] will not be eligible for any benefits that might otherwise be forthcoming. The larger the Action Group the better the chances of success.
