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Jag3 13 Jul 2015

Re: Takeovers Hi RogerJust a bit of luck which is needed in this game, I'm still struggling to find a home for much of my funds with a reasonable return but relatively low risk. I may buy another property here in the Algarve while prices are low, purely for rental purposes. Lovely evening here, sitting by the pool with a glass of Vinho Tinto.GLA

Roger Baron 08 Jul 2015

Re: Takeovers Hi JagWell done with that one!Fortune Oil investors are all very patient and so some might be interested in having a look at Servision. Been nibbling at it for nearly 4 years now and expect big things over next few years. Just seen this video which is worth a watch [link] (Phillip, if you are reading and interested then this can be the one I owe you for Cove!)Discussion board is even more desolate than this one!Hope all old friends popping in here are well.

MKKK 18 Jun 2015

Re: Takeovers A good friend of mine started Anite! Great to hear it's still going strong; (he sold out many years ago and spends a lot of his time in Portugal as well)....

Bravon 17 Jun 2015

Re: Takeovers Amazing to find you so cheery Jag3 ! I'm still here, keeping an eye on things. Just back from Porto, Vidago and Pinhao ....... fabulous Portugal. If I had known where to find you I might have gone South and dropped in. Stock Market has some good opportunities right now - glad to hear you are still a player. Cheers. B.

Jag3 17 Jun 2015

Takeovers Hi all who still drop into this board. Although I had intended staying out of shares after FTO I decided there was little or no returns to be had elsewhere so got back into Anite at about 83p suspecting they may be a takeover target. So today's announcement was music to my ears 126p/share offer on the table. Now hoping for a counter bid. GLA from sunny Algarve.

pete44 05 Jun 2015

TRADING RANGE I never abandon ALL hope.

Guyfawkes 05 Jun 2015

Re: TRADING RANGE Well, Pete, as Dante wrote 'Lasciate ogni speranza voi qui entrate'.

pete44 05 Jun 2015

TRADING RANGE Looks like China Gas keeps trading between Hk$ 13 and 14 although it dipped below 13 at 7.30 am. Still above HK$ 11 for CVR. Still living in hope.

Bravon 12 May 2015

Just looked-in ...... Was signed-in on another board and thought I would check to see if anyone was still alive over here. Nothing doing, but thought I would post just to keep it alive, as discussion could still be useful if ever there is any further activity. Hope you are all enjoying some post-election sanity, though the BBC seems determined to keep on going over the same old stuff.Cheers all. B.

Bravon 25 Apr 2015

Re: it's too quiet Good to hear from you again Phillip. (Jag3 also.) All comments understood and appreciated. I do hope, however, that if our discussions have contributed anything for those who have used this DB, we have at least stimulated some thought about the benefit of actively managing 'risk investments'. I have a lot of good, but relatively boring stuff in my Portfolio, which doesn't take a lot of time, but I also like to get quite closely involved with one or two FTO-type ventures, where the risk and potential returns are high, and where one can get relatively close to the action. I was with FTO right through (still here !), but actively managed the risk and ended up a tad disappointed but with a big smile in the bank. As I now start another of these ventures I have much the same attitude; I know the risk, the upside is where dreams are made, and with a very strategic approach there is a good chance of success. If it all goes South, then I will only blame myself, which is maybe where I differ from a few of our FTO stalwarts, but everyone to his own. All the best to you. B.

Phillip Reid 25 Apr 2015

Re: it's too quiet BravonThe gas retailing and distribution system was much, much more important than the 'primary exploration' as you put it. i.e. the CBM project which was already producing for us. Plus the peripheral projects like LNG to the vast shipping trade on the Yangtze.The gas distribution system was growing exponentially and consolidated with CGH will be massive (enough for it to be a nationalised monopoly eventually), and compare the value we received from that with the value of BG before it was broken up or the value of Centrica - just to get some perspective on it. The dreams and understandings of shareholders of what they were into, were every bit as real and valid as those of the BOD/management and turned out pretty rough for long-termers who held all those years especially through the rights issue and the Asian Financial Crisis. Poor reward, even for those who bought in on the last spike when price reached.. what was it ~ 13 or 14p IMHOI got a feeling sometimes that the whole lot of businesses were getting to complex to keep all the balls in the air. I guess they could have monetised them by selling off. All water under the bridge now.

Jag3 24 Apr 2015

Even quieter Off to the Algarve a week Saturday for 6/7 months, last look at FTO BB GLA.

Bravon 24 Apr 2015

Re: it's too quiet Some of us are still out here ! I occasionally open this Discussion Board to see if there's anything new. The 'word on the street' seems to be that everything is 'done and dusted' and is dismissive of anything happening as a result of the 'mercersroad initiative'. Maybe those guys will update us sometime. Good to keep an eye on CGH. Right now I am still of the opinion that it was a very smart move for FTO to get out of primary exploration and, even if we have not realised as much as we might have hoped relative to the ultimate FTO NAV, at least we have probably done a lot better than if we were still trying to get gas out of the ground at this point in time ! Have fun with your investments. B.

pete44 23 Apr 2015

Re: it's too quiet China Gas share price seems to be doing quite well around $HK 14 ( Today finished 14.2 ) which is well away from the 11 HK$ for CVR . Still living in hope.

Rhigos 22 Apr 2015

Re: It's too quiet, Tonto Agreed
