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Phillip Reid 24 Aug 2015

Re: CHINA GAS BELOW HK$ 11 It doesn't matter what CGH do!What matters is what ex- FTO directors (Fortune Dynasty) DECIDE to do.

evenlongershot 24 Aug 2015

Re: CHINA GAS BELOW HK$ 11 Can you remind me what we as shareholders need China Gas Holdings to do this year - is it stay above $11 or go below? And is it to have done that within the year, or to be holding that on a particular date? in order for us to get the extra 5pthanks, in ignorance...

pete44 24 Aug 2015

CHINA GAS BELOW HK$ 11 According to my screen it looks like the lowest price is 10.90 although the price now is HK$ 11

Guyfawkes 23 Aug 2015

Any news about Mercersroad? Anyone heard how Mercersroad's action is progressing against Fortune Oil directors and their buyout?

pete44 21 Aug 2015

HAS CHINA'S AUGUST STOCK MARKET SCARE FINISHED Some people think the scare has been overplayed ?? but China Gas has now finished today at HK$11.50. Hoping for an upward trend next week away from our HK$11.00 for CVR

pete44 20 Aug 2015


pete44 20 Aug 2015

ARE CHINA GAS SHARES BEING MANIPULATED CHINA GAS finished today on downward trend to HK$ 11.98. Wonder if they are being manipulated to go below HK$11????

Bravon 18 Aug 2015

Re: tianjin They had various involvements there over the years. Gas pipeline project and a JV for liquified gas for sure. Note CGH down below 13HKD again, but holding-up reasonably well and very likely to be higher within the 12-month life of the VCRs.B.

energysaver 13 Aug 2015

tianjin regarding the explosioni vaguely remembered fto having a connection with tianjin.[link]

pete44 04 Aug 2015

TRADING RANGE China Gas looks like it's on the rise again. Touched 14.06 today and finished HK$ 13.94. Still living in hope, Still above HK$ 11.00

Bravon 30 Jul 2015

Wise up That makes about as much sense as your 'Buy' recommendation ftk ! Fact is you invest with open eyes, and are sometimes disappointed. The rules, as interpreted by the Court, are the rules as they exist, not as you might like them to be. We certainly weren't robbed, just disappointed not to do better, and anyone who invested carefully in FTO potentially made a lot of money. Stay cool like Jag, out there in the sun drinking his loot ! Best to anyone who drops in. B.

dieseldave 29 Jul 2015

Hi having spent years with FTO I have been looking at UK Oil &Gas is it worth a go ?

fluxtechking 24 Jul 2015

Re: Takeovers this wa sthe management stealing the shares from the shareholders for a song, highway robbery assisted by the courts.

Phillip Reid 17 Jul 2015

Re: Takeovers Just been looking at the RNS of the offer document, and to answer my own previous question "12 months from the effective date of the takeover". ---- So still some time to go.However, also noted, and don't remember anyone, making a point of this:Quote: · The Acquisition, excluding the CVRs, values the entire issued and to be issued share capital of Fortune Oil at approximately £259 million.· The Acquisition, including the CVRs, values the entire issued and to be issued share capital of Fortune Oil at approximately £388 million. "Unquote.So out of their own mouths, the value of the company is 50% more than we have already received, albeit we (most of us) think that was a very low valuation anyway.I know we have in the past, discussed many aspects at length, But!Anyone else wish to comment further on this.

Phillip Reid 17 Jul 2015

Re: Takeovers Hi RogerThanks for that about SEV. I had had it on my watch list (portfolio wish? list, that I keep on Yahoo to watch SPs) for a few days actually, after reading an article on the internet. However after seeing your tip, decided to look a bit more deeply, liked what I saw and have a bought a few (nothing like my FTO investment). I placed an order with my bank/broker a few days ago but it didn't get executed (orders not executed on day of placement get cancelled), I was grateful and got them cheaper at 5.3p the following day, so sitting on a little loss at the moment, but very confident that all will be OK.BTW - anyone know when the CVR expires with FTO - me being lazy and not looking? or just making conversation.ATB
