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robesc 17 May 2017

information Hello All I have been extremely out of the loop and was wondering on the news of Fortune Oil. I purchased shares as an 18yr old back in the day and cannot see any list price or determination other than Dynasty Holdings have bought the Co. Can anyone enlighten me... thanks in adavnce

Roger Baron 23 Feb 2017

Re: Sharing new ideas Thanks PeteUnless Bill Gates is paying completely over the odds there is still plenty of upside left here.Well done with AMS.

pete44 23 Feb 2017

Re: Sharing new ideas Well done Roger, you have waited a very long time for this. Noticed the rise yesterday . I didn't get on board but did very well with AMS

Roger Baron 23 Feb 2017

Re: Sharing ideas with old friends Following yesterday's announcement that Bill Gates's private investment fund Cascade was investing $2mil at 11p, I am now more overweight than I ever was in Fortune!Hope some of my old friends here got on board.Still available at 6p - a 45% discount to what BG is paying!

pete44 19 Oct 2016

Re: COURT CASE Who has taken action etc????

Guyfawkes 16 Oct 2016

Re: COURT CASE Still rumbling on, I believe, but I have no hard or certain news.

pete44 07 Oct 2016

COURT CASE What's the news on the Court Case please ???

Guyfawkes 01 Oct 2016

Still Here Fortune Oil still on iii. Wonder why? Long gone but not forgotten. Court case still rumbling on I hear. Best to all former investors.

Roger Baron 12 Apr 2016

Re: Sharing ideas with old friends Nothing wrong with having a plan Bravon, but it is very difficult forecasting what the market will do short term in any circumstances.I remember well the run up to the first Gulf War, markets where all over the place but generally down in anticipation of the possibility of a war and everyone was certain war would mean markets would crash - yet the day the shooting actually started the markets rocketed up - at the time the 2nd largest daily rise in the US, I believe . The thing that markets seem to dislike most seems to be uncertainty. It won't surprise me if the market jumps up immediately the result is known, whatever it is. Either way, I remain overweight in Equities and as always take the long term view having long since worked out my crystal ball doesn't work.For what it's worth, one of my biggest holdings is the tiddler Servision. Not as large as my holding in Fortune - but I expect it to be!Again, for what it is worth, Neil Woodford doesn't think investors should fear Brexit - and he seems better at this than I am.Good luck.

CF 12 Apr 2016

Bravon - Very interesting I think this is close to my thinking . Not sure the result is going to be safe to call even on the 22nd June

Bravon 12 Apr 2016

Sharing ideas with old friends Old habits die hard, and I looked-in here to find some of you still sharing ideas ! So here's my thought for the moment : We have a referendum due, and my bet is that the Market will get all wobbly sometime soon, so here is my personal strategy :1. I am selling all my solid UK stocks, ie those which will likely rise and fall with the Market trend, and I am becoming very liquid.2. I am holding the very speculative stuff, including the dogs, as these stocks will likely 'do there own thing' regardless of major market trends. As a result my portfolio will look pretty miserable for a while, but I will have a lot of cash.3. I am also holding anything not really related to the UK/EU situation ... eg my Vmotos, which are now ASX listed only, and have become my new ''FTO-type' project.4. Around 22nd June I will take a view on the Referendum result. If I think it's Remain, then I will buy-back into all my favourites just ahead of the result. If I think it's Brexit, then I may well sell everything else as well, as that will result in more uncertainty than we dare to think about, and the market will likely become a 'dog's dinner'. Then wait until the market bottoms out .... at around 3500 ??Controversial, I know, but clearly there's going to be an oportunity for smart investors to make money out of this one-time watershed event so, to participate, one needs a strategy. Otherwise you do nothing, cross fingers and become a victim. My thinking is that, whatever happens, one can't go too far wrong sitting with a cash pile through May/June.Anyway, my best once again to all of you ! B.

Patrick K Murphy 06 Apr 2016

Re: CVR I have same from Barclays. Other stocks I'm in are, AFC, AGL*, CHA*, FBT, IGE, INSP, RENE, SAT*, SEA, SEE. I think SEA could be a loss, and the others are speculations. Those * are most recent.I also hold SKP which is about to merge with Vectura. That could be a good earner.Patrick K Murphy.

Patrick K Murphy 06 Apr 2016

Re: FAIRWELL TO A GREAT BUNCH OF PI'S Farewell to all still here. The whole FTO situation leaves a bad smell to be honest. We were sold down the river.I've followed up a tip into Satellite Solutions (broadband coverage from satellites) which looks to have great potential. I was in at about 5p. It has touched 8p since the.All the best to you all and good luck is a site I run. (very old school).

Roger Baron 04 Apr 2016

Re: CVR Maybe not "Requiescat in Pace", Earl.Legis peritis adepto ad operari. ( My apologies to any Latin scholars out there.)

The Earl of Shilton 04 Apr 2016

CVR Letter from HSBC today confirming no extra cash will be forthcoming. Requiescat in Pace. Regards TEOS.
