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onedb1 21 Jul 2016

Got my CFDs stopped at 118.25 Bit disappointed despite the profit . At one point the share price reached 135 and I could have closed a lot better . Hit my SL on open which annoyed me . 100 , 110 , 113 and 118 all closed . Looking now to see when and if the range breakouts out either way . I think results are due also month end . Will give some clarity on q2 impact .

onedb1 20 Jul 2016

Re: Foxtons lagging Do you have mental problems ? This is my mail of my positions ( see below ) . Not to mention you have posted your love of this stock ! You are ill mate . Get some help as you need it . the way the average is 110.25 as you can calculate ( well not you but ask someone for help on that ) Stop loss in the money at 118,25p posted the details on the 13th of July and was posting prior to that too. Do wake up you total tool ---Nice and steady , hopefully going to fill the gap , so plenty to be gained . 2 positive TA thoughts this morning are the 20 day simple moving average being broken and RSI passing 50 . last i checked it was at 52 Very good RSI crossover now too, preceded by 2 days ago the MACD crossover . Lots to go before it gets overbought and before it fills the gap .Zero interest rates as the BOE may announce will be a boost for equities and real estate in my view . But regardless of me being right , chart is indeed bullish now I have 100, 110, 113 and 118 as my 4 unit entries . Add on winners my mantra . ----

Sir Singh 20 Jul 2016

Re: Foxtons lagging Onedb1. Someone's far from smart.Could it be something to do with whole business model being established in London. The only market in reverse. Hmmm. My goat think you should go back to school. Since your buy suggestion this is down 10%. Can you move on now? Now there's a good egg.

onedb1 20 Jul 2016

Foxtons lagging I can't but notice how Savills , Berkleys etc have mostly retraced far better than Foxtons since the pre Brexit levels. Most are easily above a 50% retraced yet Foxtons lags that by quite a bit Bit of a discrepancy there which I looked at this morning . Could be that Foxtons has more to recover that others . After all the lettings business is healthy and steady .

onedb1 14 Jul 2016

UBS 170p target Weird moved from mid morning today . Some big tree shake No dramas for me .

onedb1 13 Jul 2016

Rising nicely RSI crossover Nice and steady , hopefully going to fill the gap , so plenty to be gained . 2 positive TA thoughts this morning are the 20 day simple moving average being broken and RSI passing 50 . last i checked it was at 52 Very good RSI crossover now too, preceded by 2 days ago the MACD crossover . Lots to go before it gets overbought and before it fills the gap .Zero interest rates as the BOE may announce will be a boost for equities and real estate in my view . But regardless of me being right , chart is indeed bullish now I have 100, 110, 113 and 118 as my 4 unit entries . Add on winners my mantra .

onedb1 12 Jul 2016

Gap closes at 163p ? Worth noting . Not saying it will . What surprises me is that NAV decrease that some forecast on property in London was massively over sold into, diminishing the value of many property stocks too harshly . Ie a 10% NAV decrease say even 20 expected post Brexit resulted so far in many prime location property companies see their shares dumped well in excess of that . Interesting because clearly USD investors will be the bidders at some point given the weaker pound . Hence why I think Foxtons went too quick into an oversold position and should recover to at least 150p . lets see. No advice intended just a shared view

Sir Singh 11 Jul 2016

LOVES IT You can see why.

onedb1 11 Jul 2016

S&P at intraday record today so far Seems to me that money managers are tired of ploughing cash into negative yields and putting money back in where it should always be , ie equities . Foxtons gap is at 148 to 163 I make . Closing that gap would be nice See the gap below I have 2 longs at 110 and 113 and will scale up till am done . Stop loss for now at 95p . No particular target as that is now how I like to trade . But when momentum will reach a peak I will scale out again . So hoping to see a sweat retrace here . Gap close at 163 will be a nice result

onedb1 11 Jul 2016

Re: Telegraph- Questor lower not lover pound lol ! hahah ! I had to laugh at my typo . sorry

onedb1 11 Jul 2016

Re: Telegraph- Questor Do feel that the current valuation is a tad over sold though . Their lettings business alone is very valuable and steady . A lover pound entices American investors and others to really get involved. Given that their asset location ie central London acts in a similar way to Switzerland for safety . For as long as you have low interest rates, a government that is stable with rules that are enforced, many global investors will always pile in on the dip here . I was short at 375p but now I fancy a few here .

nk1999 09 Jul 2016

Telegraph- Questor "The Questor Column (on 28/06):Foxtons: Foxtons’ profit warning meant the estate agent was also in the dumps on the market, losing 22.6% and leaving the firm at its lowest ever closing price. The heady days when the stock was pushing £4 less than a year after the initial public offering in September 2013 seem like a distant memory. Peel Hunt analysts were particularly gloomy about the firm, saying its annual profit forecast of £42 million could be halved, and that even a recovery in the London market would not be enough to revive the estate agent when its competitors are eager to undercut it on commission. The Questor column advised selling in March, after Foxton posted a 2.6% fall in annual profits as cheaper rivals sprang up across its London heartland. The firm has previously managed to balance falling sales with the growing lettings market, but this equation no longer works if there is a broader draining of activity from the capital city. We see no reason to take the plunge, even at the current rock-bottom price. Sell. Foxtons at £1.04-30.5p. Questor says “Sell”."

charlie 156 07 Jul 2016

Re: I love Foxtons Can I be even more vague? I think it's more of a thing thing.

Sir Singh 06 Jul 2016

I love Foxtons It's a brand thing. In hard today. Not getting out until the lights switch off or a competitor buy out.

Simbrad 28 Jun 2016

Beaufort's view: "The aforementioned update issued by Foxtons is a disappointing one. The company has lowered its revenue and profit margins for 2016 on uncertainty in the market following the UK's decision to leave the EU. Post Q1 2016, Foxtons witnessed a drop in sales volumes, dragged by a higher stamp duty and uncertainty surrounding Brexit. Although Foxtons' expansion strategy remains on track, and it has significant opportunity to expand its network across London, we are concerned about the company's reduced sales pipeline entering into Q2 2016. We remain confident of the company's long-term prospects, given its strong balance sheet and low debt. However, recent uncertainty in the property market is likely to depress growth and profitability in the near-to-medium term." on research tree
