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onedb1 17 Oct 2016

its 95.75 today The wild forecasts of some did not come true .. ehm ehm Chart shows a one way track . Mind you it seems very oversold but I won't catch a falling knife for sure .

onedb1 06 Oct 2016

Re: Here we go. £1.50 what happened to 1.5 ? ehm ehm ... One day .

II Editor 26 Aug 2016

NEW ARTICLE: UK still on course for a Brexit recession? "The dispute about whether Brexit is a good or bad idea will continue, but what is undeniable is that the 'leave' vote has ushered in a period of unprecedented uncertainty.The stockmarket response has been relatively orderly so far, but sterling ..."[link]

Sir Singh 23 Aug 2016

Here we go. £1.50 !

Sir Singh 08 Aug 2016

I love FOXTONS because Because they're expensive but worth it. My estate agencies run the same model in the Midlands. When is this spiking because everything else has made me a small fortune. So I've placed more in Foxtons. I also bought CWD as it was a steal at £2.40

onedb1 29 Jul 2016

Re: Not giving up you trade with CMC too ? 112.390 - 113.113. On their chart screen add the Triangle scan and you'll see why I was cautious yesterday . I feel that 95-100 could be tested . 100p is quite a possibility I agree with you . IF you are long you'll benefit from the divi too once it comes round , should be a good yield now too . Am not in long or short at the moment . Will keep on watching as long term I doubt the London property market will stay subdued for too long .

Sir Singh 29 Jul 2016

Not giving up I though it was a great update. Not worth selling but worth accumulating as it drops closer to £1.00 Spread is over 2% on cmc. Otherwise I would buyer more.

Sir Singh 28 Jul 2016

£50,000 long He who dares lads. It's a risky one but many stocks have paid off this week for me to sustain a 20% loss here tomorrow.But im hedging on the fact this will fly with better than anticipated results. Anything close to £1.50 will do me nicely. Let's see what happens. Buyout or expression of interest likely.

onedb1 28 Jul 2016

Closed again at 121.25 / Cfd position I know its not my usual strategy Just not sure how market will react tomorrow . Chart is not in a setup that favours any trade other than the small scalp trades we have seen in the range 116 -125 in the last week or so since dropping from 135p Tomorrow the range should break but I have no idea which way . Good luck either way . Am going to catch any evolving breakout should we get 1

Sir Singh 28 Jul 2016

Re: £40,000 long Let's make peace onedb1. I won't bother you. Pls don't bother me. We're here to make money. All other distractions are not required.

onedb1 27 Jul 2016

Re: £40,000 long True I should make my mind up but after closing all out the other day I spotted an intraday pattern of low prices in the morning followed by a rise around Wall Street opening time. I just wanted 5p but it did not happen today . I also only have 1 unit . Till a few days ago I was max long allowed by my near systemic approach . I had 4 positions . Let's see what happens

Sir Singh 27 Jul 2016

Re: £40,000 long Make your mind up son.The issue with me is that I just don't like selling. Had this from 105 to 137p. Not sold a single unit up or down. Oh well. Just don't need the money right now. I expect foxtons on people radars for a buy out. I would like a small whiff of an offer this Friday. £1.50 plus pls.

onedb1 27 Jul 2016

Re: £40,000 long For once I'd like to see a position of yours do well ! I see that Foxtons has lagged the rest of the sector in recovering so am tempted to rejoin Can't see how the lettings side of the business is doing bad and even if market volumes have dropped today's GDP figures were quite surprising to the positive . The whole sector is up today A case of maybe being battered too much . But the numbers may tell the full story when they release them . Small unit for me here today too 118p again CFD no physical shares .

Sir Singh 27 Jul 2016

£40,000 long Expecting better numbers. Frightening the market for no good reason. Foreign money is pouring into London. I should know. Waiting for Friday's results

Sir Singh 21 Jul 2016

Still holding I don't jump until it's timed well.
