Fundsmith Emerging Equities Trust Live Discussion

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Gamesinvestor1 25 Jun 2019

Performance Poor over 5 years – 3.65% annualised The P/E of the top 10 holdings is very high – has the fund overpaid for the assets here? OK the P/E is only one measurement, but it’s a useful guide. Games

Chucko63 31 Jan 2018

Re: Yay Shame on you!! This is this very last line item that I will look to sell. Yes, we have had a near 20% run up in recent months, but that is the whole point. Periods of nothingness followed by quick revaluation to reflect the market’s desire to get a piece of the 30% (ish) ROCE. This is what the CIO (Smith) preaches and partly the reason for a 80% run up in the value of his other fund. Some say “It’s time in the market, not timing the market” and I think that that is truer for FEET than just about any other stock out there.

oggs 30 Jan 2018

Re: Yay It's a small profit but it has been taken. Markets looking toppy and this looks vulnerable to me after its run up

froggers lucky pants 30 Jan 2018

Re: Looks like the news feed has dried up working again now

froggers lucky pants 29 Jan 2018

Looks like the news feed has dried up for us research account hold

oggs 30 Nov 2017

Yay 13 months in and in profit for the first time!

froggers lucky pants 01 Nov 2017

Terry's just launched another fund [link] that doesn't mean he's giving up on thi

froggers lucky pants 07 Sep 2017

Terry buys more Not much more though.A mere 30,000 shares costing £346,800. Equates to 6% extra on top of what he already owns.Perhaps he's short of cash?

Ripley94 03 Sep 2017

Re: Come on Terry! Woodford lost his fans , along with Bolton , maybe smith is the third !!Link below 31 August rare occasion to now be at a discount 2.2% but others in sector have an even bigger discount not looking to clever in Asia just now ?Would it suite the USA for that area to implode ?

TQ1 27 Jul 2017

Re: Come on Terry! If it can emulate Bolton's FCSS now trading at over double the launch price (admittedly Bolton is long gone) I won't complain. Not a stellar Fundsmith performance but at least with Terry at the helm,I know I can look at it around twice a year and not lose any sleep

iswl 24 Jul 2017

Come on Terry! I've been tracking this IT for about 4 months and it's gone nowhere. I have a significant holding in his other funds and thought that if Mr Smith gets behind something, it's a done deal. I know 4 months isn't very long in this business, but I do note that other IT funds in the same sector are doing much better (just look at where this is in the "performance sector on iii). I'm beginning to wonder if his magic is portable. I remember will the Anthony Bolton failure.

Elysium Field 18 Jul 2017

Re: Skin in the game? Too early to call I think.Interesting article highlighting a couple of negatives-[link] have a decent amount invested here. I sold 1/3 when it went to 12% premium early on but happily topped up since. Investment approach is clear & sensible and I think it can be copied from the original Fundsmith principles. I'm in the happy position to have held original Fundsmith from the outset. like that one, I think Feet is one to buy and lock away.

jsan22 17 Jul 2017

Re: Skin in the game? glad I bailed out of this one early on - 1 and 3 year performance pretty dire.he's not the first star manager to get unstuck out of his comfort zone.

froggers lucky pants 19 Apr 2017

Re: Skin in the game? Agreed but at the moment it's only 2.5% in emerging mkts - personally would find it reassuring if TS had a bit more than that here circa 10%+ish perh

oggs 19 Apr 2017

Re: Skin in the game? It would be a bit odd if his personal asset allocation had as much in emerging markets as it did in the developed ones.
