Re: Just a theory That was a much better day. Thankfully common sense has prevailed.That was the first positive day since the 23rd February. Let's hope there are a few more to come. Completion of the sale of Kleeneze is due to take place before the end of March so one would assume that this will be confirmed by an RNS.DDP
Re: Just a theory nice spot delta. I cant belive its just pure coincidence, that would be odds on why , now you have pointed it out . Nice rise today .. ( as of 4pm ) hope it holds till close thanks delta
Just a theory But I added up the total number of shares traded last week and it came to 406,000 which co incidentally was the same number of shares that a company called Aberforth Partner LLP owned. They now own nothing. Could last weeks fall have been due to The Aberforth sell off ?DDP
Re: Hindsight The inexplicable movement in the value of this business is enough to test the patience of a saint. In four and a half days and on the back of very thin volume, ten per cent has been wiped from the value of the company. Today's massive 0.01687066173068% of the share capital changed hands at a cost to the business of something like £8m.These are all notional figures of course and totally irrelevant. nonetheless, still very frustrating.In answer to your question Fish, I am a long term investor with a belief in the board of directors and am therefore holding for the much trumpeted "target price" of £3.35. I think we will get there, I just have no idea as to when.We are less than three weeks from the company year end and we are also awaiting confirmation that the sale of Kleeneze has completed. The end of month update on these points should help but by the time this RNS is released, who knows where the share price will be. If recent movement is anything to go by, £1.60 isn't out of the question. Don't you just love market makers ?!!!!!DDP
Re: Hindsight thanks delta i think a lot of holders are selling which is taking share price down .... they all remember the huge falls last time...... me i taking a gamble all will be good this time whats your thoughts delta ???????????????
Re: Hindsight End of this month Fishxxx.DDP
Re: Hindsight when is next update from findel due
Hindsight Hindsight does allow you to really assess a situation that at the time would have been impossible.For three or four months last year we were plagued by a certain self confessed shorter who very eloquently presented a case as to why Findel were in "terminal decline". This is the same shorter that had assured us in February 2013 that "I have a principle that I never short sell nor do I make postings aimed at pushing a share down for personal gain". Well this is where hindsight is a marvellous thing because that is exactly what this shorter did. Here is an individual that clearly has no principles, what is more this shorter was completely incorrect about Kleeneze and I was right. My advice to all "investors" for the future is to place this individual on ignore as Shorty suggested to me. Good advice.This shorter suggested a summer return to further benefit from a sliding price. I suspect that won't now happen. It is just a shame that this person cannot stand up and admit to us that he was actually posting with a view to pushing a share price down for personal gain. In conclusion this person is a total HYPOCRITE.DDP
Re: kleenez sale Agreed, and with improving revenue at Kitbag I would be inclined to hold on to it if a pre tax profit is in sight.If the 7% margin target can be achieved as promised then this business is significantly under valued at current levels.DDP
kleenez sale This has got to be great news - its business model is dying. Strong buy now
Re: Possible reason ? Looks like I was right L Spoon 1.DDP
Re: Why this Drop ? These are extraordinary times and not necessarily company specific. It would appear that the oil price is being manipulated for whatever reason which is weighing very heavily on global stock markets. Until this chapter in the game of political chess is complete I can't see any company demonstrating much in the way of a genuine sustainable increase in value.The advantage of this oil price plunge of course is that the average consumer is reaping the benefit of significantly reduced petrol and diesel prices. As a large part of the British population owns or leases a vehicle, the saving, being unexpected but very welcome is similar to a tax rebate. Just imagine also the saving to British business/industry as well for any company that relies upon moving goods and services by road rail or air, the cost saving could be massive. When the oil price returns to normal and this abnormal situation filters down into cold hard half year and full year results, there will be a fair few companies reporting very healthy increases in margins.As far as Findel is concerned let us hope that the Express Gifts, Kitbag, Findel Education and Kleeneze client base spends its 'tax rebate' on what the individual brands have to offer.DDP
Why this Drop ? I am a long term holder of this share from well before the big crash and so obviously am carrying a big loss.I am trying to trade the share on the up's and downs in an attempt to claw back my losses or at least to have some trading fun and was relieved to see this starting the upward move last week and do not understand why the sudden nearly 4% drop ?I realize that I will never re-coup my losses but do hope that they can be reduced and as I am clearly not a very good investor, find it very frustrating.
Express Gifts With income of £288,000,000 for 2013/14 and an operating profit of 10.6% what is fair value for this business as a stand alone operation ?DDP
Re: The market hates uncertainty. BOD TAKE NOTICE BEFORE ITS' TOO LATE