Fulcrum Utility Live Discussion

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emisbod 07 Jun 2019

Looking cheap One would hope not, but there is no telling how far the Toryshambles will push people. Lucky you waiting till 25p; I bought at 40:tired_face: Still, I think the fall is overdone - I don’t think anyone is expecting Labour to expropriate the companies.

NoQuestionMarks 17 May 2019

Looking cheap I have had Fulcrum on my watchlist for quite a while, it came to my attention after the naked trader bought in. As buyers piled in after him the sp got a little too overpriced (in my opinion) And then in steps Labour with their size twelves to announce nationalisation of the national grid. Subsequently I have managed to buy in at 25p, way lower than I ever hoped. The sp of another on my list INSE has also dropped into buying territory at 14p. Is the nation stupid enough to elect Labour? I think not. Students and the usual crowd expecting something for nothing will vote for them but I suspect the majority will keep Labour well away from power.

nondangerousdan 24 Apr 2019

What's happening? Fairly new to this co but 30% decrease in recent months? Any ideas? Thanks in anticipation.

Paringa 09 Apr 2018

Great Price increase Still going up.Is Canaccord still buying?Any guesses as to what is happening?

pharmaspecialist 03 Feb 2018

Dunamis acquisition looks good Judging from this board it looks as though there is limited interest in Fulcrum from private investors, perhaps because it may appear to be a boring infrastructure contractor. However, with increasing recurring revenues from owning infrastructure assets such as gas pipelines and exposure to the future roll out of charging points for electric vehicles I think this company is more interesting than most contractors. The acquisition of Dunamis should help the company expand its interest in the electricity sector and the size and earnings accretive nature of the acquisition suggest that earning upgrades may be forthcoming. The profit margins and ROCE are much better than most contracting businesses and I think the p/e of 15.5 at the time of writing looks very reasonable bearing in mind the potential for earnings upgrades and growth.

Paringa 11 Oct 2017

Re: Price rise today Many thanks JimSomething seems to be in the wind. Watch this space with interest!

Ramptastic 11 Oct 2017

Re: Price rise today No news - probably an RNS to follow saying a fund manager has bought in.Shares look good value and have had a log pause - maybe due for a leg up.Might be attainment of the utility license?Jim

Paringa 10 Oct 2017

Price rise today Good increase in price and volumes today.Any suggestions welcome.

II Editor 07 Jun 2016

NEW ARTICLE: Surging Fulcrum rewards faith "LSE:FCRM:Fulcrum did better than expected last year. The gas and electricity infrastructure services provider had a "transformational" 12 months in which profit swelled sevenfold and the cash pile grew by two-thirds. We've been fans of the ..."[link]

Paringa 03 Jun 2016

Re: Breakout Some folk may be anticipating the results due on Tuesday June 7th. I certainly am !!!!

Misty Creamybib 03 Jun 2016

Breakout Any news that has triggered the price breakout?

mcescher 28 Mar 2016

Analysis visual report on Fulcrum Utility Services Fulcrum Utility Services is looking undervalued on this report [link]

Getifu 16 Mar 2016

Share options At the rate this share is increasing and With these new options it looks like they will be getting them sooner rather than later.8 March 2016FULCRUM UTILITY SERVICES LIMITEDManagement Incentive SchemesFulcrum Utility Services Limited ("Fulcrum" or the "Company", the UK's market leading independent energy and multi-utility infrastructure and services provider, announces the formation of new management incentive schemes and the associated issuance of share options.BackgroundAs communicated in the Company's interim results, announced on 1 December 2015, the Company has a solid and profitable foundation for further growth. The Company's share price has increased significantly over the past year and as a result, all options granted under the Company's existing management incentivisation schemes, are now exercisable. The Board believes that the ongoing appropriate incentivisation of the management team through share ownership is an important factor for the future success of the Company.Accordingly, Fulcrum has implemented two new incentive arrangements to align with the Company's long term growth ambitions. These schemes are detailed below: Growth Share Scheme ("GSS" ArrangementThis scheme applies to a limited number of key managers, who were awarded growth share scheme shares in Fulcrum Group Holdings Limited (C shares) on 7 March 2016.NamePositionTotal number of C shares awarded Martin DonnachieChief Executive Officer1,473,000 Martin HarrisonChief Financial Officer957,000 All other qualifying staff1,483,000 Total3,913,000The C shares have a nominal value of £0.00001 pence per share and carry a put option which allows the participants to sell their C shares to Fulcrum Utility Services Limited on achieving the share price performance hurdle of an average of 40 pence per share for a period of 20 consecutive working days within a 36 month performance period.Fulcrum Utility Services Limited Enterprise Management Incentive ("EMI" Share Option PlanOn 7 March 2016, 3,243,149 approved options were granted to qualifying staff under the Company's new EMI Share Option Plan. The exercise price for those options granted is 28.125 pence, which is equal to the Company's mid-market closing price as at the 4 March 2016, being the latest practicable date prior to the grant of these options. The share options will vest in the event that the Company's share price averages at least 40 pence over any period of 20 consecutive working days within a 36 month period beginning on 7 March 2016. Once vested, the share options can be exercised at any time up to and including 6 March 2019. If the Fulcrum Utility Services Limited share price does not average at least 40 pence over any period of 20 consecutive working days within the 36 month period, the share options will lapse.The Company's Chairman, Phil Holder, commented: "Fulcrum's performance has improved significantly over the past year and the recent introduction of the employee share scheme, together with the new incentivisation schemes announced today, recognises the team's positive contribution to date and their future involvement in and influence on our sustainable business success".

BuySel 24 Jan 2016

Re: Good opportunity today 23.50p Has been holding at this lows for a week now, time to have a look again, as there is not many growth companies on a very low PEG like FCRM at the moment.

Misty Creamybib 19 Jan 2016

Re: Good opportunity today 23.50p Monday brought a lot of indiscriminate selling across the board. Stocks which have had a good run on a firm up trend were sold off.For example Vertu Motors, Fulcrum Utility. Empresaria. IMHO this is the throws of a bear market.If you sell these types of stocks now you have to think about whether you had the right weighting of your assets in the stock market. That said it doesn't hurt to take a profit where one is a available.
