Ferrum Crescent Live Discussion

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Spectrum7 02 Mar 2018

Re: Update What you should have asked is 1/ why have neither Laurence Read (Executive Director) and Myles Campion (Technical Director) while telling everyone they have a top quality resource, very undervalued, not actually bought a share between them even at these near record lows?That would enable us to understand how they intend to sell this idea to someone else if they cant sell it to themselves.

Oiltap100 01 Mar 2018

FCR - Elevator Pitch Not seen this before:[link] is CEO.

Oiltap100 01 Mar 2018

Update I contacted the management and was told they are progressing as planned, but disappointed with the sell off.I let the management know that imo the market was in all likelihood waiting for:1. an update on next steps 2. clarification on the cash needed to undertake the scoping study, and 3. update on the next key milestones .2 is the most important one imo.

Oiltap100 28 Feb 2018

FCR - Inferred Resources etc The Canadian guideline NI 43-101 had inferred and indicated resources attached to it.In terms of confidence levelsInferred is the lowestIndicated is the next bestMeasured is better still.Reserves can only be stacked up against indicated and measured resources.iMO the recent JORC was massive news. The market did not react as many would have expected including me. The reason IMO is because we now have the Australian JORC compliant resource estimate that puts all our ore tonnage into the inferred category. Even though it's significantly 'bigger' than the NI 43-101 and even though it now has a silver credit to its name - the point is the market does not give much value to inferred resources.For the market to apply an increasing multiple the resource needs to have further work performed on it that moves it from inferred to indicated and measured etc. These studies - scoping, pre-feasibility (PFS), feasibility, then Banking Feasibility Study (BFS) take time and money which is where Colin Bird presumably comes in - and potential other investors. With hindsight had the resource kept an element of indicated resources (some 4m tonnes on the NI 43-101) then the market might have reacted differently. Comparing FCR's tonnage with other companies tonnage is a useful comparison as it shows what might be, but we always need to be aware of the fact that resource categories, tonnage and grade (and grade cutoff) are a key determining factor. The rest - location, political environment etc are also very important but you need the asset first!We now need to BOD to help us understand how they will move us along the resource curve to get us moving to indicated and measured categories. Without this the remaining potential along strike (which is significant after all ) will remain a nice to have but also have zero value attached to it.If the steps are explained properly, and the funding is slotted into place, then this 'world class asset' might just have legs to get us to the point where it is sold on for a decent chunk of cash. I would like to see FCR mine it, but realistically a share in the asset is the best we will get - though that would be a company changer for FCR in itself and would reduce the risk. Given the share price is rock bottom and has been ever since the moonlight project was kicked into touch, I believe there is large upside, but the BOD need to show us the way first before investors improve sentiment.

Oiltap100 28 Feb 2018

FCR - Interesting Points The link still has some relevance - but the figures are outdated - we have since had the JORC 2012 as an example. IIt would be good to see the numbers reworked and the example peers reviewed for validity.[link]

Oiltap100 28 Feb 2018

Waiting on the BOD for next steps The market needs to be told asap what the next steps are.

Oiltap100 05 Feb 2018

And we're off again ...

Marc-A 11 Jan 2018

Re: Expectation WOWNot just kept going, FLYING.Hold on to your hats chaps.Looking forward to tomorrow.Good luck allMarc

Marc-A 11 Jan 2018

Expectation Nice rise today, hopefully we can keep the momentum going till close of play.Can we expect news tomorrow?Good luck all. Marc

Oiltap100 19 Dec 2017

TR1 Moving from 3% to 4% in one month.... without moving the market... interesting...

Oiltap100 16 Dec 2017

Meanwhile over on LSE [link]

Oiltap100 04 Dec 2017

Soon be here .... [link]

Oiltap100 29 Nov 2017

Re: FCR [link] FCR gets a good mention and worth a listen. Just a modest increase in market capitalisation relative to its peers is a significant multi bag from here imo .. bring on the JORC and the negotiations that will ensue

Marc-A 29 Nov 2017

FCR Big rise in the last few hours. Let's hope this continues through the end of the week.Good luck allMarc

Oiltap100 14 Nov 2017

How much could Toral be worth? [link] DYOR
