When you've been stalking EUA and it says, 'APPROVED' [link]
Zaks Obtala Resources (LSE: OBT) the sky's the limit,Macquarie New target price 35p : Article
look guys its obvious that people knew approval we being granted when the market opened. They will want to cash in on resumption big style. the price will drop back to 1p
LTH proves the point patience is a virtue
very little infrastructure in place - will cost a bomb to progress - they need partners - maybe even sell a stake
I'm sorry but I'm going to be the biggest day trader, got hurt in AMC
SP after suspension: 2-3
its all in the price pal
i'm going to be glued to the laptop today
license granted - so what? they need mega bucks to even start digging
it is sure to drop like a stome imho
looks like major drop following resumption
but managed to get in this morning!!!
I've got a bad luck sold it on Monday, after holding it for a month an average of 0.97