Re: quietly confident of 1p sp Bought this today @ 0.38Thought i had it , but maybe i was just trying to buy some time back .
Re: info I truly wish it had added 10% to 45p, I would be a millionaire a couple of times over!!Hopefully this share will soon start to move forward and the underlying value in their assets start to be recognised by the market. gltadkok
Re: info ''Shares added over 10% to 45p.''mustve been for a split second and i missed it!
info [link]
RNS Eurasia Mining04 Sep 2017 070
4Eurasia Mining PLCRNS Number : 6505PEurasia Mining PLC04 September 2017 Eurasia Mining plc (AIM: EUA)("Eurasia" or the "Company"
Projects update and Monchetundra off-take agreement negotiationsEurasia, the platinum, palladium, iridium, rhodium and gold production and development company, is pleased to report progress towards submission of the production license application for its Monchetundra Project, following the issue of the discovery certificate for the project's 1.9 million ounce palladium equivalent (platinum and palladium) Reserves and Resources, announced on 17 July 2017.Highlights:Monchetundra Project- All necessary contracts covering mine design, blasting, mine surveying, ecological monitoring and land rehabilitation have now been assigned to third parties. Assigning these contracts is a necessary step towards a successful mining license application.- The application for a mining license is expected to be officially lodged, on schedule, in September.- Off-take agreement negotiations are progressing with Glencore (the third largest international commodity trader and resource project investor), Sinosteel (China's state owned EPC contractor and a major mining investor and commodities importer into China) and other major players that cannot be disclosed at this stage, for the entirety of the life of mine output. It is hoped an agreement will be reached with one of these parties in the near future and this agreement will integrate with Eurasia's already agreed, and signed, Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Financing ("EPCF"
contract with Sinosteel which includes financing of $150 million as a 10 year facility at 6m LIBOR plus 3.5 per cent.West Kytlim- Mining at West Kytlim, Eurasia's operating platinum, gold, iridium and rhodium mine in the Ural Mountains is progressing.- An increase in reserves was calculated over the mining area at Malaya Sosnovka owing to higher than expected mining grades and ore body extensions discovered in the 2016 mining season. These reserves increases have been approved and are being developed as part of the 2017 mining season.. Separately a mining allotment and quota has been agreed over the Kluchiki Area for the next season of production in 2018.- A total of 1,490 metres of resource upgrade drilling was completed earlier in the year, at the Bolshaya Sosnovka and Kluchiki areas. All of these samples have now been processed to allow conversion of C2 category reserves to C1 category reserves. This work, managed by Eurasia but funded by Eurasia's contractor Region Metall, ensures mineable reserves for the 2018 and 2019 mining seasons.- A further 390 metres of large diameter infill sampling is planned for the autumn of this year.- In addition, revenue from the sale of metals has commenced from the refinery at Ekaterinburg, with shipments now occurring on a regular basis.Background to Monchetundra Project off-take agreement negotiationsEurasia notes an increased interest from refineries seeking Platinum Group Minerals ("PGM"
and copper/nickel concentrates fueled by a tightening in the international supply of quality concentrates. The status-quo situation of recent years is reversing and refineries, reacting to a looming shortage of quality feedstocks, are reaching for quality upstream assets. This is well demonstrated by a recent transaction in the PGM and copper/nickel refining space over the Kevitsa Mine in Finland (270 kilometres West of Monchetundra) purchased by Boliden for a cash consideration of $712 million. The Kevitsa Mine is considerably lower grade than Monchetundra, although of larger tonnage. For more information please visit our web address below;[link] to date, has seen solid performance by all metals in the Monchetundra Project concentrate, namely pall
Platinum value Well if the BOD ever update us with what they are doing. We might just get some interest from the market. MT licence application?That project has got a whole lot more profitable in the last month.Platinum and Palladium are flying!
Re: They want my shares Not to mention WRES - hard luck there KALAN.
Re: They want my shares Looks like somebody sold 1.5million for 0.50 - didn't change your mind did you Grabitt ?
Re: They want my shares Dream on.
They want my shares can sell 2million .52Feel like we could get moving soon. Happy days. 5p for me
Catalysts I think our team are working hard behind the scenes on getting MT sold. CS has been at this a long time and it's finally going to pay off.Mining licence will obviously be the big can opener.Funding is sorted for this season.WK may have a good season but I'm not banking on it.All about MT..This could make me very very wealthy.
Re: MT worth 179 Million Hi WandLooking through the past RNS's the Monchetundra project reserves are worth $1.7Billion for the Palladium/Platinum group metals. However, in addition there are also a shade over $525M worth of Gold, Copper & Nickel + undisclosed amount of cobalt, so potentially a vlaution of around $2.25B. If you look at the RNS that advised of the Sinosteel EPC contract signing, it identifies that they (EUA) are in discussions for either outright purchase or JV of the project. For an outright purchase I would expect us to get between 10% and 15% of the overall reserve value, so being pessimistic and taking the 10% figure that would be $225M, which with the current shares in issue would be around 15 cents a share or around 12p. I think I could live with that!To me it seems that it is only a matter of time before the Monchetundra project gets bought out, and the receipt of the discovery certificate assigns the legal rights to EUA now, so I think that the game is on. It is just that the market hasn't caught up with that fact yet, but I believe it will do sometime soon.gltadkok
MT worth 179 Million This will require re rate massive.[link]
Re: Things are moving fast Not a lot it would seem - apart from some manipulation by the MM's
Re: Things are moving fast Nearly a 10% increase in the SP and such a HUGE turnover - something must be going on - I wonder what?