Results Gross premiums up 5.8%. Combined operating ratio for the year to be steady at 90+%. The expected upturn in profitability in motor policies has yet to occur, but we have still seen an organic improvement in business.This seems to be rather better than I expected. There may be broker upgrades here very soon.
Re: Puzzling... There is a new research note out from Barclays. They have raised their target to 285.
Puzzling... So what is the reason for this sudden 5% jump and volatility this morning? Any ideas?
Re: Ex Div Date 9 April Divi discounted yesterday and the buyers are now out.IMO still be careful for the next few weeksGLA.
Ex Div Date 9 April It looks like they are taking the 11.7p dividend off before the ex div date.Is someone sorting out their tax liabilities??????IMO be wary for the next few weeks.Wait for that divi dust to settle.....GLA.
Ex Div 9 April Ex Div this week and paying 11.7p.That is over 5% on the sp.Those wall street infographics suggest an sp of £2.32.Let us see what happens...GLA
Established income payer with good future prospects, but with questionable financial health. Infographic for esure Group (LSE:ESUR): [link]
Re: RESULTS! BUYING OPPORTUNITY? Thanks all. Here's a summary of our commentsROAcquired gocompareDecent yieldExperienced managementCONPossible declining trend in businessCurrent dividend possibly unsustainableHigh PER for insurance company.I am holding as I am showing a small loss that I hope to recoup. However taking the broader picture it seems that the insurance sector as a whole may be moving away from being the highly profitable area that it has been of late.
Re: RESULTS! BUYING OPPORTUNITY? I had Esure on my watchlist, but don't like the look of the way the results are trending. The div is just a bear trap as clearly they are not going to maintain this level of payout. It's going to need a cut of 50% to make it reasonably safe so looking at a more realistic 3.7% yield at 214p.
Re: RESULTS! BUYING OPPORTUNITY? Forecast is 17% reduction in eps next year? that makes eps 16.5 roughly, giving p/e 13 at 211p per share.
Re: RESULTS! BUYING OPPORTUNITY? [link] greek concerns, of course
Re: RESULTS! BUYING OPPORTUNITY? This massive drop in sp caught my eye somewhat. Thought it looked like a div cut!!Big boys not stupid, unlike me, a mere peasant of an investor, so, I must follow their lead. Div must be under threat next year at only 1.25 cover and falling eps - most investors prefer at least 2 times.I am not confident in future of "comparison" websites. Personally think they have had their day as many decent insurance companies are not on the panel of these broker sites.So "go compare" maybe a turkey of a purchaseObviously long term concerns in profit growth.I have learnt my lesson in div hunting - always got burned. Prefer now to measure p/e and eps rather than yield
Re: RESULTS! BUYING OPPORTUNITY? That yield is not ongoing because part of the current dividend payment is 'special' i.e. a one-off.Personally I wouldn't buy into a business that is in decline, wait until if/when it is growing.
RESULTS! BUYING OPPORTUNITY? Premiums are down 3.4%, EPS down 11.6%, and profit down 12.8%, BUT:Yield is now 7.9% (if buying at c207p).Dividend is covered x1.25.Combined operating ratio (a measure of efficiency) is up to 91.9%.Gocompare has been acquired.Any opinions please?
Reason for yesterday's rise? [link] will be some profit taking here, but a further increase in price seems more likely now.