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Go Dink 12 Nov 2015

Re: More ... Quite a few legal firms looking into EROS too; I don't think they are "official" investigations but rather shareholders asking about the allegations in the Seeking Alpha report and why the shareprice has dropped so rapidly.

richard599 11 Nov 2015

More ... Follow up from Seeking Alpha ...[link] no view on this, but you can see why it might dent the SP.R599

LizardFlipper 23 Oct 2015

Re: Not possible to buy or sell on iii? I'm afraid to say III were worse that useless hereI rang up like i mentioned below and had a trade confirmed as sold after spending half an hour on the phone to them. This after trying to sell for months. A few weeks later i checked my holdings and they hadn't updated. They then did an internal investigation and found that it was all their fault and they had screwed up and gave me a whole massive £20 to say sorry. Since then i've had to transfer my holdings, which takes weeks - in which time the share price has now halved. Cheers III

smurfy2000 13 Aug 2015

Re: Not possible to buy or sell on iii? Anyone sold via telephone then?

Teesah 05 Aug 2015

Re: Not possible to buy or sell on iii? They still haven't resolved the ability to see online. Is the phone sale straight forward and at no additional cost. I'm convinced they're not 'really' doing much to resolve it, they probably have few shareholders of this stock.

Profitcruncher 27 Jul 2015

Re: Tripled since it left AIM... I stuck with it. Looks like getting more attention in US. Comparisons being made to NetFlix for the online service. Film production and distribution are still the main business. Two blockbuster hits this year bode well for results. Must be doing something right. good to see progress after years of muddling along.

gretel 27 Jul 2015

Tripled since it left AIM... Hope at least some of you here kept your shares after the transfer to the NYSE ))More to come imho with this year's two blockbusters - Tanu and Bajrangi - coming from EROS, and the digital platform EROSNOW gathering steam.

LizardFlipper 21 Mar 2015

Re: Not possible to buy or sell on iii? Yep

smurfy2000 20 Mar 2015

Re: Not possible to buy or sell on iii? What can they do manually? Sell the stock you mean?

LizardFlipper 16 Mar 2015

Re: Not possible to buy or sell on iii? If you call them they can do it manually which is annoying but better than sitting there doing nothing I guess

LizardFlipper 15 Mar 2015

Re: Not possible to buy or sell on iii? It only took them 3 weeks to reply via email with no new informationGood morningI apologise for the delay in replying, we are dealing with a greater volume of contact than usual. You may wish to contact us on the number below for a quicker response to future queries.At present, we are unable to trade on this stock. We are awaiting further information from our custodian to update customers on this holding. I will update you when any further information becomes available. I apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. Should you have any other enquiries, and you wish to write, we would ask that you use your secure message facility. This can be found within your account to the right hand side. Secure messaging allows you to ask any questions about your account, because unlike email, it is a secure method of communication. Our response time is usually 1 working day but at the present time we are experiencing high volumes of enquiries and we may take up to 10 working days to respond. However, we would appreciate the opportunity to answer your enquiry immediately. You may therefore wish to call us Monday to Friday, from 07:45 am until 80 pm on 0845 200 3637. Yours sincerely

smurfy2000 03 Mar 2015

Re: Not possible to buy or sell on iii? It's been months now still nothing

LizardFlipper 23 Dec 2014

Re: Not possible to buy or sell on iii? They are still waiting on the custodian as of 13th to see whether they can offer it on the platform. They will let us know asap

LizardFlipper 19 Dec 2014

Re: Not possible to buy or sell on iii? Can you let us know what they say please? I also can't sell

Teesah 19 Nov 2014

Re: Not possible to buy or sell on iii? have emailed to find out how i can sell these, i have some from before they moved to the US.

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