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veksi 22 Jul 2016

Re: rising Buy low, sell's time to's a good basic lesson for you.I'm sure you will eventually learn.Good luck.

inoutupdown 22 Jul 2016

Re: rising You should join the board. You have the same effect on the price

veksi 12 Jul 2016

rising I will jinx it for sure. ..but what's happened?Keeps rising! it's the GB discount, divi very attractive with weak sterling. What a great stock!

Clarence Beaks 05 Jul 2016

Re: These shares are...... Hardly caught out, they were down here long before Brexit and after.

turkey10 05 Jul 2016

Re: These shares are...... Caught out by Brexit. Shame they were on the right course before.

Clarence Beaks 05 Jul 2016

These shares are...... garbage. Useless company going no-where for years. Board need a good kick up the ****It's not just Brexit and sentiment as to why it's this low.

Clarence Beaks 15 Jun 2016

Re: Poorly led company (nm) Poor fund performance, dire management. That cover it? I'm going to short this also I think. Wish I had done at 1.30 as I was tempted.

inoutupdown 15 Jun 2016

Re: Poorly led company (nm) Just read an article that gives a price according to charts of 101 to 102 pence or lower?What the heck is happening, this is going back to the days of the banks collapse.

Clarence Beaks 14 Jun 2016

Re: Poorly led company (nm) Looks like it'll go there before we even get to Brexit. Bad investment MAN group and it's flagging funds.

turkey10 13 Jun 2016

Re: Poorly led company (nm) It's just the fear of Brexit that pulling everything down. Could go to a pound if we leave the EU.

Clarence Beaks 13 Jun 2016

Poorly led company (nm)

inoutupdown 10 Jun 2016

sainsburys I was under the impression they were shorting sainsburys, but god knows what they are up to? My grandson could make more money.What really annoys me is I bought in hoping to sell at 137 or just below but could not get away from the family to trade and ever since the thing keeps going down.How do theese guys justify the money and shares they take out?Rant over thanks for letting me vent!!!!!!Just watch the football instead of my money disappearing

Clarence Beaks 08 Jun 2016

Re: Very uninspiring business Broker Notes are a waste of time really. Just hoping their own analysis takes the price the way they want it too.think I'll give EMG a wide birth once again, not like the old days of £2.50 when I was more actively involved. dont rate this current management.

Ripley94 08 Jun 2016

Re: Very uninspiring business These brokers buy / sell ahead of ramping / deramping. ?Wonder if anyone's tried dealing the exact opposite.

Warthog4 07 Jun 2016

Re: Very uninspiring business Today's collapse down to Barclays having a go this time reducing its target price.I wonder how much shorting goes on before these jokers release their wild opinions. ( I believe it was Barclays had a TP of £14.00 on Petrofac last year- they now stand at £7.93!!)Surprised anybody takes any notice of them but it is obvious they do.I wonder who will be the next to put in the boot?
