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turkey10 24 Jan 2017

Re: From - CEO confident on performan... Can't understand why they are unable to make some money. Turn the computer programme off and use your judgement.

Clarence Beaks 24 Jan 2017

From - CEO confident on performance [link] he is, not sure I am

g4ry13 13 Jan 2017

Re: This share is VERY dull I was one of them and really deliberated about taking my profit when it hit £2. I can tell you now that should it get up there i'll happily take my money and run. For the time being i'll sit on my shares which have been relatively stable and get paid my dividends.

Clarence Beaks 13 Jan 2017

Re: This share is VERY dull Some of us remember it flying well north of £2 sadly a few years ago, so continually bouncing in the £1.10 - £1.30 range isnt that impressive - disappointingly.Just never understand buy backs, they never do much for the SP but yet there's less shares and lots of big buys. Seen it on other shares and they did similar.

g4ry13 13 Jan 2017

Re: This share is VERY dull And here's me thinking it's actually been more exciting than lately! It can be like this for large chunks of time before it starts to climb up. I'll happily take a grind up of up of a few % every week whilst getting paid a nice dividend.

turkey10 12 Jan 2017

Re: This share is VERY dull This share is doing very little I agree. Can't seem to improve the performance of its funds.

Clarence Beaks 11 Jan 2017

Re: This share is VERY dull Still pointlessly buying back their shares I see.

veksi 05 Jan 2017

Re: This share is VERY dull Yes very dull.But at least it's in range which benefits divi buyers.But it's boring,

Clarence Beaks 30 Dec 2016

This share is VERY dull But better than XEL without question.

Clarence Beaks 30 Nov 2016

Re: Share buy back pointless + downgrade wasnt that sell?this really is a dire share to hold at the moment. will be interesting to see if the new management can turn it around though its too reliant on this stupid loss making fund.

PMP1 28 Nov 2016

Re: Share buy back pointless + downgrade On 25/10/16 a director bought 500k shares at a cost of £630k !

Clarence Beaks 28 Nov 2016

Re: Share buy back pointless + downgrade well done then veksi. It doesn't inspire any confidence when the FD sells over half his shares, Blackrock sell more of their holding and brokers start downgrading.EMG really has been a total turkey of a share the past few years. Painful ride for shareholders which I see no end in sight at present.

veksi 28 Nov 2016

Re: Share buy back pointless + downgrade Sucks. Maybe time to get out now?I can't believe my luck I sold some Friday.Still hold quite a few, wondering if this makes sense to hold?I've been optimistic but it's caning, the funds aren't performing at all. Apart from Numeric.

Clarence Beaks 28 Nov 2016

Share buy back pointless + downgrade Exane BNP Paribas has gone from Outperform to Neutral.

Clarence Beaks 21 Nov 2016

Re: Cdf Blackrock I'm tempted to bail personally - too stagnant this share. More thought required.
