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gaulsdog 31 Jul 2017

Re: Postitive we must be close to the 100 million mark now

veksi 31 Jul 2017

Postitive Well that was positive from Emg just before the update.Perhaps the buy backs are having an effect after all, or did someone leak?

Clarence Beaks 26 Jul 2017

Re: Bored I wouldn't top up, else you'll be become suicidal like me on EMG!

Our Haven 07 Jul 2017

Re: Bored Veksi this has been the dullest of share I have held just like many for the dividend. I did top up when it fell to new lows and to be fair that has worked out well. Still boring.

veksi 06 Jul 2017

Re: Bored Some big punters increased their short on EMG to 1.6%,Let's hope they are wrong.Meanwhile JP Morgan maintains overweight rating target price upped from 175p to 180p.A paltry increase for a boring stock, let's hope they right they about the raise.Results will be out Aug 1st perhaps this will then move?

veksi 04 Jul 2017

Bored I'm so bored that thought of buying some Man Group again.I mean trading a 1.6p range today, it has rocked my socks off!

Our Haven 23 Jun 2017

Re: How many shares now bought back? The buy backs seem to be having an effect today.

Clarence Beaks 14 Jun 2017

How many shares now bought back? Despite it having little effect as usual.

II Editor 20 Apr 2017

NEW ARTICLE: Resurgent Man Group teed up for further rally "It was a case of target hit for LSE:EMG:Man Group as the hedge fund manager's stellar first-quarter numbers triggered a 7% rally Thursday. We reported six months ago how UBS analyst Michael Werner had slapped a 150p target price on the stock, ..."[link]

Clarence Beaks 28 Mar 2017

Why the dripfeed of useless buybacks? why not one big one and be done with it? at 1.6bln shares in issue, buying back some 44m so far isnt going to make much difference overall as the price shows.

Ashover 01 Mar 2017

Re: Results I don't see how the October 2016 share repurchase was ever a good idea for shareholders. Looks like a waste of money now. All of my other investments are doing so much better than this one, and this lot are mean't to be the experts!

Jack_Walsh 01 Mar 2017

Results FuM looking decent.Everything else is not so good.Not expecting a positive start to trading.

Clarence Beaks 25 Jan 2017

Notice some rather chunky buys of late (nm)

Clarence Beaks 25 Jan 2017

Re: From - CEO confident on perfo... I almost bought a big chunk at 125p the other day too, had a feeling this was about to occur. hopefully it'll dip back when the banks have a bad day.

turkey10 25 Jan 2017

Re: From - CEO confident on perfo... Looks as though the CEO comments are helping the share to re-rate to a price which more reflects its underlying value.
