EMED Mining Public Forum

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16:36 01/07/2014

Copper price rising, endorsed by the Junta with loan. tet still we go south???????????????????/

15:57 30/06/2014

This is a joke. EMED PR not good..

07:31 26/06/2014

Approval of €8.8m Grant to EMED Tartessus for the Rio Tinto Copper Project

18:33 25/06/2014

Patch @ sence your 1 vote will not make a difference, Keep deramping we need to know who you are.

17:44 25/06/2014

I could add to that, perhaps it is time to call in the Serious Fraud Squad, B4 its to late. This is not right, Forget what the mines worth. 1ml ounces of GOLD.

17:32 25/06/2014

Small Holding..it obvious to me. No PR no positves. [of which there are many] This is shaft the PIs AIM. Our money has got them into this position, now the sun is out they want to give us half of it back.WAKE UP GUYS..............

17:12 25/06/2014

Orbiter.......You are correct, this has the hallmarks of a management buy out, 1million ounces of gold for 90 million. Time all the PIs formed a consortium to prevent this........I only have 500k shares, combined is the only way i will have a voice.

19:56 24/06/2014

The key to the other 40 mil is what company has 46 staff.. DOH

16:28 24/06/2014

When is the other 40+ million due??

16:34 22/06/2014

Good week ahead at last. official start of drilling, finance rns on or around the weekend, happy days.......
