Welll I have been quiet for too long now on this share. I am a long term holder for many years and seen it disappear from over a penny to where we are now. Its quite clear Sally and her crew have no intention of updating any of us and prefer to keep silent which is unacceptable. I have written off my shares as worthless but already started planning what we do with Sally and co which begins with reporting to FCA already done. I am then planning a visit to their offices to see Sally just to advise what happens to private investors wjhen they lose big money. Hopefully my shouting about it everywwhere will at least stop them from working ever again in this industry. Rant over. Advice to others, dont bother with copanies who cant even be bothered to update you.
Quite simply if this doesn't come good by the end of March then the BoD should stand down, either voluntarily or by force
And if this doesn't happen maybe we all need to apply pressure for an urgent shareholder meeting as the BoD has had sufficient time to make progress. Maybe some other directors needed?
The BoD cannot hide forever roughly 6 weeks to deliver within their own timescales set
Or resign
I have been invested in Edenville for some time and see the Sp fall year after year with what seems total contempt from the board. Let's hope that they meet the deadline and have positive news
Every right to whinge when ive lost 10k plus so keep your thoughts to yourself buddy
Until the BoD feel that their jobs are under threat they will merrily do what they have always done.....nothing!!! So how do we give them some food for thought?????
preferably from an plane!!!
how about this if the directors do not update shareholders as promised, and within the timescales set then we out them????
and down she goes.....normal service resumed
Kibo flying and EDL like an ostrich floundering along due to a lame BoD who's time is up!!!
a sh*t company with an incompetent board who have nothing but contempt for their shareholders.....rest assured the BoD will be held responsible. Kibo will be the winners in the battle. The BoD should hang their heads in shame