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pathfinder9 19 Oct 2016

Re: Delays in payout / shares For the record, I got paid out today by Barclays.Thanks again guys for the info about pay-outs from other brokers.

pathfinder9 16 Oct 2016

Re: Delays in payout / shares Thanks guys for the info regarding payout from other brokers. Will now go into battle with Barclays armed with some facts.

alandwd 14 Oct 2016

Re: Delays in payout / shares I got paid out by Halifax and iii. It took a week after the relisting in both cases.

mark20690 13 Oct 2016

Re: Delays in payout / shares Got paid last week by Selftrade and Youinvest.

farmerdave 13 Oct 2016

Re: Delays in payout / shares TD gave me all cash (no shares at all)HSBC got the share numbers etc wrong FD

NewPygar 13 Oct 2016

Re: Delays in payout / shares I received my cash from TD Direct last Wednesday and from Selftrade last Thursday so I think Barclays are telling porkies!

pathfinder9 12 Oct 2016

Delays in payout / shares I went for the max cash option in the re-construction but am still waiting for the cash.I'm with Barclays who tell me that the ECWO registrars are behind in delivering the cash and new shares.Anybody else suffering delays in receiving their cash / new shares ?

alandwd 07 Oct 2016

Re: One for the longer term I was a big holder of this one prior to the reconstruction but tendered all my shares and luckily managed to exit 99% (thanks to other nominees not taking up the offer) at 135p. I quite like the look of this still, but I'd wait for it to drift back out to 20%+ discount. When it was 30% discount it really was a decent deal, but the management has a tendency to high fees and gearing.

churjones 06 Oct 2016

Re: One for the longer term The first dividend is out at 1.6 pence the annualised value of 6.4p represents quite a good yield in these times of "will we have any dividends after brexit" at the current price of 127p represent a yield of just over 5%, of course this yearly payout is all all pie in the sky,or fish in the sea till its all set quarterly, and paid out. dyor

churjones 05 Oct 2016

One for the longer term I have read a few of the posts for this share,and am not impressed with the longer term thinking, on its outcome. I have looked at the portfolio of shares held analysed individual companies and to me they appear perfectly good longer term investments, they have an element of developing companies, mature companies, and a few minnows, exactly as it should be for a trust. If like me you see the future linked to a trust of this kind, which is basically utilities then it surely must be a buy, I await the first dividend and future developments. dyor

badnews 02 Sep 2016

Re: Reconstruction of the company The reconstruction of the trust is a great thing - for the management. It basically means that they can take decades of poor performance and poor decision making and put it in a box, bury it, and then get a second chance at getting paid to manage other people's money. The world of finance, hey! It truly is a World where with a bit of smoke and a few mirrors you can get away with being really bad at your job for excessive pay - for years and years on end. I would truly love a job like that. Think of how little stress you would have to endure. Perform badly - it's okay, no problem - here's your pay cheque

NewPygar 02 Sep 2016

Re: Reconstruction of the company It's seen as the best way of extracting value from the trust. The trust has traded at a large discount to asset value because of the large holding in unlisted shares and an untradeable holding in Lonestar. Lonestar is a highly indebted oil fracking company and Ecofin holds 52% of the shares. After the split the new Ecofin will have only tradeable shares and paying a decent dividend the discount to asset value should be much reduced.

paul1945 02 Sep 2016

Re: Reconstruction of the company I agree & I should know! I will try to see if I can get some more views

trader M 02 Sep 2016

Reconstruction of the company Any thoughts on this ? Not clear what the point is.

badnews 15 Oct 2015

Re: YOU'D HAVE TO BE A MUG I would have to concede that the redemption of the Zeros and Culs in summer next year is interesting. If they can go to the bond markets and/or acquire a simple revolving credit facility at at better rates of interest , circa 2-3%, then that would be an immediate boost to the longer term returns.However, given what has gone before, I am weighing up whether the management can be trusted.
