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Hardboy 05 Feb 2018

Re: Winnifrith "Seems to me this is looking ok to good value 768p"Shame the directors don't seem to think so

old_punter 05 Feb 2018

Winnifrith Ripley94,Any more info on what TW is saying, he is sometimes right eg Quindell and he has something of a following.My guess is he may be a late on DTY. Seems to me this is looking ok to good value 768p, based on 65-75p eps for 2018 with some upside risk and improvement thereafter, and I am currently buying on falling prices.

Hardboy 02 Feb 2018

Re: Near a buying level? "there is no disruptive technology coming over the horizon that is going to change the way funerals are handled in the future. "Somehow watch the film the Loved One (1965) - wonderful film about the LA funeral business. There are a few possibilities in there. [link]

Tired and Confused 02 Feb 2018

Re: Near a buying level? and there is no disruptive technology coming over the horizon (that I can see at least, but tell me if you think otherwise) that is going to change the way funerals are handled in the future. END[link]

Ripley94 01 Feb 2018

Winnifrith Reckons hes done the math's and its not good.21st January .

Dylan the Villain 01 Feb 2018

Re: Near a buying level? At what point this becomes a buy I have no real idea. Points in its favour are that the market for funerals is not going to disappear, and there is no disruptive technology coming over the horizon (that I can see at least, but tell me if you think otherwise) that is going to change the way funerals are handled in the future. So given this, there is no reason why a half decent company cannot make a go of things. However to be half decent implies applying common sense, which maybe a big ask.They have made a start in the right direction by hopefully becoming more competitive and cutting prices. But this is just the beginning not the end of things and until I see a clear strategy that I can objectively assess I will look to put my money elsewhere.Speaking of putting my money elsewhere, the pubs are open and there is a beer that has my name on it, so "iecyhd da" as they say in these parts.

TX2 01 Feb 2018

Re: Near a buying level? Unless 65p earnings suggested by the company broker is a one off low point;a pe of 12 is hardly a bargain in my opinion particularly if dividends are likely to be modest.I will be interested to learn why Phoenix Asset Management,who manage a fund with which i am invested and have an excellent record, paid £9+ the other day when they update later this month.Very difficult putting a value here.

Hardboy 01 Feb 2018

Hargreaves Lansdown Their commentary: -Dignity provides funeral services. The group has been raising prices in recent years. But competition has been increasing, and Dignity’s market position has started to erode.The pace of that decline has quickened recently, prompting the group to take action on prices.A trading statement on 19 January confirmed 2017 profits are set to be in-line with management’s expectations. But Dignity also said slashing the price of the basic funeral plan from £2,700 to £1,995 in England and Wales will severely impact the bottom line next year.The scale of the impact is shown by the adjustments analysts have made to future profits expectations.On the day before the news, consensus was for the group to report operating profits of around £111m next year. That’s been revised down to more like £70m, with similar adjustments made to 2019 numbers. A less profitable outlook caused half the market value of the company to be lost overnight.The rationale behind the move is clear. Dignity wants to take back market share and stunt the growth of competitors. It will impact margins in the short-term, but if rivals drop out and competition cools, both market share and margins can be rebuilt.Nonetheless, we still feel there’s plenty of hurdles to clear. Cutting prices represents a departure from the group’s previous strategy. The group is running the risk that a significant percentage of business shifts from higher-margin premium plans down to cheaper offerings.Dignity will have its work cut out if it’s to quickly regain the trust of the stock market.

Hardboy 01 Feb 2018

Re: Response from email to investor rela... Reader"with Carillion, Capita etc"Although it is only about 23% of the business, I see no reason to fear the crematoria business is going to be anything but profitable for years to come. So I don't see the receivers walking in any time soon.

Hardboy 01 Feb 2018

Re: II I've phoned them, sent secure messages & now sent an email with screen grabs. Phone lines are busy - took about 10 minutes to get through. When I did get through the lad I spoke to was very good, but couldn't do anything. It's not good is it?

old_punter 01 Feb 2018

Near a buying level? I have been folowing this quite closely since the announcement and have found the commentary here helpful, thanks to all of you. As I said in my previous post when the price was c850p," methinks I have bought too early", when I saw an uptick later that day to 880p I exited taking a loss, thinking the short term downside might be greater than the upside. Not too wrong as it turned out, but have just put in a buy limit at 765p or a 12p/e on the 65p eps mentioned by the PR. My own guess was 74p (I am a former equity analyst for my many sins) and Peel Hunt are at 90p for 2018, take your pick, all rather a guess of course as the company has commendably implied.We can forget the misvaluation at £20 plus, but at the moment I intend to buy on falling prices from 765p, if we see them. The bots and shorters have done well on this, well done them.GLA

onewayticket 01 Feb 2018

Playground Football Dignity at the moment reminds me a football being kicked around the playground. Either that or a punch bag presently.Did you gain any insight when these meetings with shareholders are finishing as these seem to be causing successive sells.It has to end at some point.Own due diligence

Davey Baby 01 Feb 2018

Re: II I have similar problems. Yesterday the same share in 2 portfolios was showing different prices! Today one portfolio is ok & the other is showing no prices on any shares!

reader61 01 Feb 2018

Re: Response from email to investor rela... Hmmm, he came back to me within half hour? I did demand an explanation but what they came back with didn't make me feel secure particularly given the continued massive drops. I've taken a big loss and halved my position as I just can't see a recovery any time soon. Trouble is with this one, the divi is so paltry it doesn't mean you can sit on laurels continuing to lose. Appreciate the mantra of buying when others are running but with Carillion, Capita etc there comes a jump point which is probably exactly what mr market wants. Anyway, will lick wounds and see if my remaining rump stage any form of stabilisation?Cheers

Hardboy 01 Feb 2018

Re: Response from email to investor rela... Thanks Reader I did exactly the same and have not had the courtesy of a reply.

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