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pyueck 27 Jan 2018

Re: NHS - winter crisis Onewayticket - i wasn't being disingenuous. You are entitled to your views, this is an open forum. I was expressing my views on this stock which you can ignore if you wish. You don't win the argument though by posting 5 times in quick succession. You and I disagree on the merits of purchasing a share, which is fine and normal. I have no interest in getting in an argument with you just because we share different views. Good luck to you and take it easy.

onewayticket 26 Jan 2018

Re: Full pager in Shares Magazine this w... Hardboy"However once all the news is out there, they are free to trade; and if your are suggesting they are deliberately releasing over pessimistic news to drop the shares to allow them to buy on the cheap, then you are totally wrong."Please read my posts Hb. There would be public and shareholder outcry if they bought so soon after 19/11/18. That's it - end comment on a non thread.---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------I personally thereafter don't think things will be so bad for the many reasons that I have brought to the bulletin board:1. More competitively pricing at the mid / luxury end (resulting in a better market share),2. Now targeting lower priced funerals with potential doubly whammy effect from a double whammy effect (targeting for 20% of business as opposed to the present 7%),3. Digital marketing to assist.(Dignity not on page 1 of a Google search. use of SEO and Key Adwords - easy wins) 4. Debt covenants covered, (Shares Mag article and more recent comments) 5. An NHS winter crisis with patients dying prematurely. (articles abound)6. The good CEO's like Simon Wolfson at Next, warn and paint the worst picture. Then surprise surprise it doesn't manifest itself - share then recovers. I think a worse case scenario has been presented here.6. A potential Final dividend given FY finished on 31/12/17. (I'd reinvest)7. One good fund manager (Pheonix) and a highly accomplished businessman (John Stewart Jakes) thinks so also. £45, 000,000 "invested" between them.Rather than wasting my own time engaging with individuals whom it looks clearly don't read what I post, as is evident above, I'm happy to simply revert to a more transitory posting style and on a "post it and leave" approach. This therefore also addresses any several response posts in a row and appearance that that may create. Accordingly there is therefore no point in addressing any replies or questions specifically to me as you will not receive any reply.My core holding will remains intact for what I think will occur and I shall look to add. There is a tradable amount in the background working whilst any computer algorithm trading is ongoing. The swings though that make it worthwhile are reducing and with dealing costs, the spread and stamp duty to factor in the profits reduce. Good luck though with any trading.Own due diligence.

Hardboy 26 Jan 2018

Re: NHS - winter crisis This is off Dignity topic, but as OWT brought up the NHS, I think I'll have a little rant., with no criticism meant to any poster on this board. I am fed up of politicians and media doing nothing but criticise the NHS. It's a fabulous organisation staffed with (for the most part) caring dedicated professionals; which carries out 99% of its duties brilliantly. (I wish politicians and media types had similar success records.) They treat so many people every minute that there are bound to be occasional problems; but these are exceptions rather than a service in crisis as many would have you believe. They have been so successful over the years of providing ever new treatments thus expanding their remit all the time that our expectations are unrealistic. I am sure there are problems is some areas with some services; but I have never had reason to complain; and I did work in the NHS for around 3 years of my life, so have seen things from both sides. Let's start rejoicing in the wonderful service the NHS provides rather than constant knocking.

onewayticket 26 Jan 2018

Re: NHS - winter crisis Or try this one. On a purely economics basis there won't be any quick fix unless the government of the day, funds new hospitals, that are suitably equipped and the last obstacle - appropriately staffed. [link] weeks holiday now on the cards.Own due dili

onewayticket 26 Jan 2018

Re: NHS - winter crisis Its really sad but its happening. The tragic converse side is business for litigation solicitors and undertakers.[link] due diligence

onewayticket 26 Jan 2018

Re: NHS - winter crisis I was referring to puyek being added to my ignore list.Enjoy your weekend hardboyowt

onewayticket 26 Jan 2018

NHS - winter crisis I don't do it often but it opts me out of boring ramblings about mistakes he's made over the weekend. Same principle for any other disingenuous posters.Whilst all the headlines are about long ambulance delays and waiting times to get seen at A+E and an NHS supposedly constantly under pressure and in crisis then sadly I think Dignity may fare well, particularly with new price offerings. Have a nice weekend.Own due diligence.

Hardboy 26 Jan 2018

Re: Full pager in Shares Magazine this w... OWT, I'm completely with OP on this director buying. If price sensitive information is not in the public domain, for instance in the lead up to scheduled release of results, directors are not allowed to buy or sell shares. However once all the news is out there, they are free to trade; and if your are suggesting they are deliberately releasing over pessimistic news to drop the shares to allow them to buy on the cheap, then you are totally wrong. Whenever they know anything which is likely to affect forecast earnings they have to release the information, If they mislead with their releases they are liable to prosecution and being barred from serving as a director. There is nothing (save your opinion, which as a shareholder should count for something) to stop them trading shares (unless there is another piece of news -for instance a purchase of sale - due to come out in the near future.)

onewayticket 26 Jan 2018

Re: Full pager in Shares Magazine this w... old_punterThis one seems to be going round in circles but I'll cast my view on it for one last time. It may be legal but it would be OUTRAGEOUS and open to all sorts of accusations, scorn and even more publicity that the announcement was made to crash the price price to buy in. (Spouses having sold last year).There are ethics codes, Companies Acts and all bodies of guidance and there are across the back supervisory bodies and shareholder resolutions. I simply cannot make it any more crystal clear than that. Email IR or the Directors direct and I suspect you will get a similar answer.I think it will be the Spouses when the dust settles for me (indicating probably the first signs of green shoots). In the meantime content yourself that two big investors bought between them 10 x what the spouses have to play with. That's £45 Million against £4.5 Million. Sorry for the delay in reply. Otherwise engaged this morning and the trading money can range trade at its leisure.Own due diligence.

old_punter 26 Jan 2018

Re: Full pager in Shares Magazine this week. OWT,Helpful broker comment re the debt cover, thanks. Re director buying immediately after making an announcement, as far as I am aware this is legal and it happens quite a lot from memory. I don't recall any disapproval of such activity, nor in my opinion should there be.So why the share price weakness, suits me as I am buying on falling prices and am nearly completed. Volume is low and my guess is since last Friday assorted computer driven funds which spew out trades following momentum are mainly responsible for this volatility. I was looking at the statements from DGE and BLND yesterday about their share buying in and they are now obliged to report all the constituent trades, there are pages I kid you not of small often tiny deals behind the total number of shares bought in. If you look at the trades of DTY the pattern of lots of very small deals is similar. I assume the purpose with DGE and BLND is to avoid moving the price against them which would happen if they bought in size. But in a share where there might be very low turnover, selling small amounts persistently is likely to drive the price down as MMs adjust their prices unless there is a sizeable buyer who wants to collect stock. And the converse. If I am right about this, and please anybody correct me if the reality is otherwise, I do not think this practice should be banned any more than short selling should be. I would rather have the opportunity to take advantage of it, as I hope I have been doing.

pyueck 26 Jan 2018

Re: Manipulation Onewayticket - what rubbish was that? You sound really rattled and shaken up. As I said yesterday I wish you well. Take it easy.

Hardboy 26 Jan 2018

Re: Manipulation "1/52th of this years funerals and cremations will have been secured with that more competitive offering."But, despite the finals due to be released in mid march - 7 weeks or thereabouts into the new pricing regime - at which it is quite usual to say something about current trading, and the fact that they usually provide a quarter 1 update in mid May - the board will not be able to tell us how well their strategy is working till the interims (so they said) 6 months from now.

onewayticket 26 Jan 2018

Re: Manipulation Collection tins out this morning was what I meant to say.Funnily enough it is now one full week on from the announcement and into the new pricing, so 1/52th of this years funerals and cremations will have been secured with that more competitive offering.Own due diligence

onewayticket 26 Jan 2018

Full pager in Shares Magazine this week. Just a couple of little snippets."Michael Donnelly, an analyst at stockbroker Panmure Gordon believes the aggressive and decisive action will provide a strong response to increasingly aggressive competition from both Cooperative Funeralcare and others. This should in due course arrest the decline in Dignity's market share and allow inflation level price rises to resume"Second one "According to he latest bondholder report (for September 2017) Dignity's financial covenants requires EBITDA to be at least 1.5 times the debt service cover, which is £33M each year out to 2049" comments Investec." "We now forecast EBITDA of £86.4m in full year 2018 and £89.m in full year 2019, some 2.6 to 2.7 times the debt service cover. Indeed the crematoria business alone generates some £40 million of EBITDA each year"Its subscription so no link. Own due diligence

onewayticket 26 Jan 2018

Manipulation Down to 901 on about 80k shares and most of them small 2 number trades. Collection ins out. Back in with the trading pot till it stabilises.£12.75 off Investec my target. Article written prior to two big hitters taking a 9.1% stake.I hop you closed your short at about 905p puyek. You did talk a load of ##it last night and this morning. [link] due diligenceOwn due diligence.

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