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elsternwick 30 Sep 2015

Re: Densitron Take Over At the AGM I felt that the company had only limited time to get their newer products selling in numbers before the rest of the industry caught up. I thought 10p was achievable in the short term but thereafter it could have gone either way. I'm happy with 11p and no selling fees.

theredmini 30 Sep 2015

Re: Densitron Take Over I agree a few more pence would have been nice, but 11p seems fair to me. I've held since Nov 2009 and it represents a good return for me, though of course I could have done better and sold for 14p back in 2011. 20/20 hindsight as ever!Looks like this should be concluded on 3rd November, so I'll look forward to a healthy deposit into my account shortly afterwards. Congratulations to all holders on here who have stuck with it. I should think most on here will be in profit at a sell price of 11p.

seadoc 26 Sep 2015

Re: Densitron Take Over I would agree that a few more pence would not go amiss but must not be greedy, return of 60.9% and annual return of 21.4%. Better than some other investments/bets.

Bitethebull 25 Sep 2015

Re: Densitron Take Over Look at the date of the transaction that triggered the notification MARCH 2008 !Strange to say the leastBtB

Another Jacko 25 Sep 2015

Re: Densitron Take Over Am I being suspicious or is it a bit dodgy that a guy named Claesson who may or may not be related to Johann Claesson, friend of Peter Gyllenhammar, buys a 5% stake a couple of days before there is an agreed takeover bid?Good result though IMO. I know Hillhead has made a few bob out of these and I did too.Onwards and upwards!

Bitethebull 25 Sep 2015

Re: Densitron Take Over Well that was unexpected but the cash will come in useful!I agree with you that a few more pence would have been nice.I assume that Blackheath was going nowhere or do you think its potential value has been taken into account in the deal agreed ?Good luck

1hillhead 25 Sep 2015

Densitron Take Over Good cash offer in the end but would have like a few pence more but them again we always do think we should more.Good luck.

leperky 20 Aug 2015

Re: Interim results [link] like pretty much on track, would buy more if i didn't have enough already. Funny tho cos noticed the ask price was well up yesterday on no volume! So much for transparency...

Bitethebull 17 Aug 2015

Interim results Due sometime this week according to the Company. Let's hope for positive news!

Bitethebull 14 Aug 2015

Interim results 1hillheadHope you are keeping well.Do you have any indication what the results that are due any time mighty reveal?Kind regardsBtB

Bitethebull 05 Jun 2015

S.P. Well that wasn't a bad few days .I think that we can expect further rises in the S.P. to come in the near future. Let's see what the A.G.M. brings!GLABtB

Bitethebull 21 May 2015

Re: Westhouse Strong Buy [email protected]

1hillhead 21 May 2015

Re: Westhouse Strong Buy BtB, you must be registered/subscribe with Westhouse to get the information.If you want to give me your email address I will attach the doc ptf file.

Bitethebull 21 May 2015

Re: Westhouse Strong Buy 1hillhead Thanks for the info.Where is this report. I cannot see it on their websiteRegardsBtB

1hillhead 21 May 2015

Westhouse Strong Buy Westhouse have come out with a new buy recommendation dated 20th May.New price target 10p but with considerable upside with new products and BH land.

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