ii 29/may / 2015 DSG… XXXXX Did very well when i went against this pairs advise before . The low was 20p 25th October i noticed that in two previous posts but did not act. They recovered to 34p by 17th January 2020. On way back down again now 31.5p … Dillistone – I having noted GatedTalent financials and overall balance sheet concerns, now a “Trading Updateâ€â€¦ BY STEVE MOORE Previously writing on recruitment software group Dillistone (DSG), last month with the shares moving higher - above 30p - I concluded there’s scheduled to be a full-year trading update on 6th February – and I’ll review that re. the above concerns. For now, my stance remains avoid / sell. Those concerns were particularly ‘GatedTalent’ financials and the overall balance sheet… 2 days ago EPIC code: DSG
ii 29/may / 2015 DSG… XXXX Back to 23.5p mid November dropping back near lows now. Chart flat so MM with spread .
ii 29/may / 2015 DSG… XXXX Trapped in ( Si ) Just as well an 80% deal , topped up to soon. A bad pick in hindsight 20.5p now
ii 29/may / 2015 DSG… XXXX Cheaper now @ 27.5p
ii 29/may / 2015 DSG… XXXX Noticed this dropping all week lifted Friday @ 32p ( D )
ii 29/may / 2015 DSG… XXXXX Had this on alert trying to buy on tuesday 28th @ 35p would not lift . Had some spare funds in ( Si ) got live price of 34.8p ( approx 80% )
ii 29/may / 2015 DSG… XXXX HL put up an article and charts pointing out AIM divined payers out perform the ones that do not pay one. This is one of them .
ii 29/may / 2015 DSG… It is back to July 10th level after little rise from there after . Rise from bottom not sustained.
ii 29/may / 2015 DSG … XXXX Near to were i first bought in yesterday around 59p , two week after last post. It has pulled up a little today but much of it in the 9 % spread . Not many trades at all.
ii 29/may / 2015 DSG… XXXXX Big faller down 17% today
Book build is on the way! This motion is being brought forward at the AGM:9 TO ENABLE THE DIRECTORS TO ALLOT SHARES FOR CASH WITHOUT FIRST OFFERING THEM TO EXISTING SHAREHOLDERSNot happy, myself!
Re: Another decent update They are now signing 2 contracts each working day on average. Looks like TalentGuard has more potential than they originally thought. Lets hope it will continue. I'm not sure how much more the share price can rise in the short term though.
Re: ii 29/may / 2015 Just as well i paddled that canoe, and went against Steve More and Winny.Been looking to take profit @ 80p , been hovering lifted this morning.Might have more legs yet i always sell to soon . ( want some funds )
Another decent update Good to see that profits are ahead of forecasts and that Gated Talent is showing even more promise than they hoped for. I was tempted to sell today and take the profit but on balance I think i'll hang and see if Gated Talent is as big a success as they think it could be.
Re: ii 29/may / 2015 Up 28% in fallen markets 76 to 81pBargepole !!!