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sharegardener 09 Jan 2018

H1 Results 'in line' Brief update today with full Interims on 26th Feb.USA revenues are up more than those for Europe.They have bought their New Zealand distributor.A lot of companies with USA activity are grappling with the implications of the tax changes.''Following the passing into law of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (the Act) in USA, the Group is in the process of reviewing and quantifying the effect of the Act on Dechra. Overall, an initial provisional assessment indicates that the effect is expected to be modestly favourable on an ongoing underlying basis. A material one-off non-cash non-underlying credit will arise due to the revaluation of Deferred Tax balances. Further details will be provided with the announcement of the Interim Results.''SG

valeite 08 Sep 2017

now cantor fitzgerald.... .....telling clients to buy £22 .new suit for xmas if they hit this target !!

frog in a tree 05 Sep 2017

Re: numis says add That sounds positive Valeite. I think that this one may be a bit volatile as the valuation is so high that any bit of negative news could cause an exaggerated fall. From yesterday's report the business seems to be growing nicely so I will sit on it in the hope of more capital growth.Keep the faith!Cheers,F

valeite 05 Sep 2017

numis says add price target £21.56

frog in a tree 04 Sep 2017

Re: Overvalued? Hi LKHI shudda taken my own advice and sold. Very soon after commenting that DPH looked over valued in May they then dropped by a little over 20%. They have recovered all the drop and a little more. If I could have worked out the bottom and bought back I would have made a tidy profit. If and only if I made the guesses right!Today's year end report showed strong sales growth and so I shall continue in my default mode and sit on my hands. A yield of only 1% is not great but since I have more than doubled my money the effective yield on my investment is a bit over 2%.Dechra's thyroid treatment for cats served my friend very well in his final few years until old age overcame him. As you say LKH, pet owners will spend on these treatments.CheersF

jimmywhiz 27 Jul 2017

Norbrook Fellow veterinary generic company norbrook recently stopped production of a few key generic drugs. Is this a sign of reduced margins? Or an opportunity for Dechra

robmonster 17 May 2017

Re: Overvalued? Hi PharmaDo you have a reference / weblink for the future earnings forecasts? I only ask as I've had a look through the recent results and last year's annual report and can't find anything, and the only online reference I can find is this one...[link] RM

pharmaspecialist 16 May 2017

Re: Overvalued? In actual fact the p/e of Dechra seems so high because it is based on the most recent annual earnings. If you base it on next years earnings it comes down to just under 30 and falls further to around 25 on the year after that earnings. The reason for these large drops in p/e is because Dechra's earnings are growing quickly. These are not just my figures, I have checked them on a financial web site. Even so, I guess you might call these p/e's demanding but they seem to me to be in line with Dechra's prospects. As for Woodford choosng Lloyds, I have to agree with LKH, this would encourage me to avoid Lloyds shares, although I must admit I am already avoiding them without Woodford's input..

LK Hyman 16 May 2017

Re: Overvalued? Valeite,"Lloyds have been added to the CF Woodford Income fund"That fact alone should be enough to warn one off Lloyds LOL.I shall stick with Dechra notwithstanding its demanding multiples. No-one should underestimate the willingness of owners to pay through the nose for whatever tabs are necessary to get Fido and Dobbin back up on all four legs when their pets are sick.LKH at the LK Wash & Valet keeping the faith

robmonster 16 May 2017

Re: Overvalued? EDIT - are using normalised earnings in their calculation...

robmonster 16 May 2017

Re: Overvalued? I think in the short term, there's still a bit of upside. If you believe in the MACD indicator, it's currently positive (and becoming more positive) so I'm holding on for the moment. Also, I trade using, and they have the p/e ratio at 87. Still very high, and a bit higher than I'm comfortable with if I'm honest, but not as high as the version. Not sure how the two sites are calculating it that differently given that it's a fairly simple calculation...RM

valeite 15 May 2017

Re: Overvalued? Lloyds have been added to the CF Woodford Income fund and this is significant because this is the first banking investment he has made since 2003 (sharecast ) .i'm confidant that dechra will go higher though......decisions decisions!!

frog in a tree 14 May 2017

Overvalued? Hi folksReviewing my portfolio this morning I looked Dechra over. I bought it 2 yrs 3 mths ago and it has rewarded me with a sp gain of 100%.It has a PE of 127 and yields only around 1%. I am thinking that the sp might take a breather or fall back until sales justify the price.May be my money would be better placed in something like LLOY with its PE around 10 and a yield heading towards 5%?Any views?F

valeite 14 Mar 2017

RBC Cap Markets.... say buy DPH price £18.9

LK Hyman 27 Feb 2017

Stonking results The number which impressed me most was net cash inflow from operating activities .... it was almost the same for the first half of the current year as it was for the whole of the previous year.LKH on the flybridge impressed

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