Doriemus Forum

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15:03 16/05/2014

and still not sorted l2

15:02 16/05/2014

they've not sorted the 2nd wells out

15:02 16/05/2014


15:02 16/05/2014

such a terrible RNS, regarding Lidsey and Brock. Much less production that we were lead to believe from previous flow rates. Also means all the facts and figures DL gave in his UKOG presentation were either just tosh or lies.

15:02 16/05/2014

does seem a long way to .20

15:00 16/05/2014


15:00 16/05/2014

I say hold for July and the Horse Hill spuf

15:00 16/05/2014

i hope not

14:59 16/05/2014


14:58 16/05/2014

are we flogging a dead horse?

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