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12:08 27/05/2014

and on AIM I reckon even a magic crystal ball could get it wrong!

12:08 27/05/2014

that's all you'd need

12:08 27/05/2014

just for a day

12:08 27/05/2014

be great to own one

12:07 27/05/2014


12:07 27/05/2014

its all crystal ball stuff though

12:06 27/05/2014

(and then went to 7p)

12:06 27/05/2014

i wasn't so sad i sold out, more annoyed i didnt buy back in when the sp hit placing price

12:05 27/05/2014

EDG has come good for me this week though. I'm 50% up, so taken some profit there to build the cash reserves back up. Kicking myself for selling out of OEX when I did... but I couldn't afford it to be a loser.

12:05 27/05/2014

if it is i shall be de-risking

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