Doriemus Forum

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15:09 27/05/2014

what did mr 500k pay again?

15:06 27/05/2014

ooopps... i mean £500k ii expecting a return

15:05 27/05/2014

I'd love to be able to buy more DOR, but I have too many already. Delays = YES, but the resources are still there. Still great production potential from Lidsey with the perforation and HH spud to come. Just getting the flow rate up at Lidsey again will make DOR look super cheap at these prices. Plus we have to assume the £5k ii is expecting a decent return on his 0.1p SP.

15:02 27/05/2014

and TRP yes, a punt but could be a great punt

15:02 27/05/2014

3.5 mil, too many considering my pf

15:01 27/05/2014

i've taken a small 3p punt on TRP this afternoon. See what happens.... will be Boom or Bust with that one.

15:00 27/05/2014

how many you sitting on now? I've got 5.5m in one account and 3m in another

15:00 27/05/2014

a strange number of shares before 2pm, to get a nice round number

14:59 27/05/2014

so i cancelled it and bought at .084

14:59 27/05/2014

no it was pending at .0845 but i could see trades in at .084

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