Doriemus Forum

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14:09 28/03/2014

Volume is so low today!

13:42 28/03/2014

still only a 1/10th of average volume traded, buyers and sellers all run out of steam?

13:27 28/03/2014

do mm's do such research though?

13:23 28/03/2014

I've just had another try at a dummy - still 'can not execute at this time'... mm's fully loaded with shares?

11:23 28/03/2014

never seen DOR so quiet

11:23 28/03/2014

still only 7m traded...

10:27 28/03/2014

Yeah nice!

10:21 28/03/2014

Just tried a dummy sell of 4m on HL - can not execute at this time

10:15 28/03/2014

No one wants to sell!

10:06 28/03/2014

Their strong cash, low debt position looks good along with their wells being western europe... all sounds great and very tempting until I saw that they don't seem very good at turning profits.