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gamesinvestor 21 Apr 2017

Doubled up yesterday at the close.Games

gamesinvestor 07 Apr 2017

Annual Report The report is 50% taken up with a story about directors remuneration.It makes you wonder if the emphasis is really about running the business, or making sure the directors have a good screw.Games -- It's not just DOM, many suffer from this issue

gamesinvestor 05 Apr 2017

Re: In "Do you have Reckitt Benckiser? [See what I did there? LOL"Yes m8 - I have used one or two of those rubbers from time to time.Games

LK Hyman 05 Apr 2017

Re: In Games,"I've never ordered a takeaway pizza, but then again I don't smoke but I have tobacco investments."Do you have Reckitt Benckiser? [See what I did there? LOL]LKH on the flybridge

gamesinvestor 05 Apr 2017

Re: In apology for the two "second's" in the last post

gamesinvestor 05 Apr 2017

Re: In ""You've certainly saved a few quid deliberating for a few weeks""Trig, I could have waited until today it seems. I decided to invest based on the free cash flow yield and the regret from Terry Smith from having sold out of the main franchise last year.I've never ordered a takeaway pizza, but then again I don't smoke but I have tobacco investments.I think the two concerns I might have are that there is already a high concentration of Domino outlets in the UK (the vast bulk of this business) and the second is the other smaller markets in Scandinavia and Switzerland are as yet unproven.The second is that this company is not the main franchise and is at the mercy of the pricing policies (and cross transfer prices) of Domino Pizza Inc.Having said that the company seems to be managing the growth quite sensibly and it would be pretty crazy for Domino Pizza Inc to suddenly make this major franchisee unprofitable.Dipped my toe in so far -- let's see if it falls below 300. I thought 306 was the bottom, but then again we all know what thought did..........Games

Triggers broom 04 Apr 2017

Re: In Welcome Games,You've certainly saved a few quid deliberating for a few weeks. What finally persuaded you to plunge in?

gamesinvestor 04 Apr 2017

In First ever entry here.Games

Triggers broom 03 Apr 2017

Re: Spooked SP now back to the post Brexit vote level but on the positive side it will make the DRIP better value. It's bounced back before and I see no reason for it not to again.Still a hold f

gamesinvestor 03 Apr 2017

Spooked Seems to be falling consistently.P/E back at 20 ish now.Games

gamesinvestor 13 Mar 2017

Re: Credit Suisse "it was actually the US Dominos Pizza"pharma, good point - I hopped along to one of the annual meetings and that was one of the questions that came up and he clarified the US ownership of the main franchise, not DOM.Terry seems to go from strength to strength, but obviously he's been in a rising market during his 4-5 year tenure of the Fundsmith fund.I do watch what he does and hold several of the stocks in his portfolio including Kone; IMB; Estee Lauder, PayPal, DGE, ULVR, Microsoft and Novo Nordisk.I wonder if he will venture back in the Domino in the US company, although it does carry heavy debt, is highly operationally geared and can't afford to slip up with the current valuation.Games -- Don't know about DOM - need to read a lot more before deciding.

pharmaspecialist 13 Mar 2017

Re: Credit Suisse Hi gamesinvestor,Whilst I would certainly not discourage you from holding Dominos Pizza Group, it was actually the US Dominos Pizza, which holds the master franchise, which Terry Smith was talking about. I am also not particularly keen on pizzas but they do seem to appeal to universal tastes so I am happy to hold both the UK and Polish Dominos Pizza companies.

Triggers broom 13 Mar 2017

Re: Credit Suisse Games -- then again I no very little about DOM so I better start reading as this looks interesting despite the very high P/E. Even Terry Smith wrote in his last article that he regretted dumping the stock and still beleieved DOM was a good company. Only problem for me is I don't like Pizza---------Games, It is a very good business for sure but it continues to amaze me how many bags this has racked up since the AIM float. It was heading for a 100 bagger until last week's market (over?)reaction to what appeared to me to be good solid results. As long as people keep buying pizzas I'll keep holding as in my opinion DOM are the brand leader with their key markets.

gamesinvestor 13 Mar 2017

Re: Credit Suisse "then again I don't spoke but I have a shed load of IMB."ohhps I mean "smoke"Games

gamesinvestor 13 Mar 2017

Credit Suisse [link] on from all of the above, the target was cut from 475p to 455p but the recommendation was kept at 'Underperform'."""Underperform, the stock is at 333 fercryinoutloud -- surely CS can't suggest a target price of 455 and suggest to it's clients it's underperform.I would have thought if they really believed that - it should read "back up the truck"Games -- then again I no very little about DOM so I better start reading as this looks interesting despite the very high P/E. Even Terry Smith wrote in his last article that he regretted dumping the stock and still beleieved DOM was a good company. Only problem for me is I don't like Pizza -- then again I don't spoke but I have a shed load of IMB.

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