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Hardboy 10 Oct 2017

Re: Q3 Trading Update.... I confess to have been confused by the performance of the share price. it was recovering nicely, in line with what the company was saying about its prospects, then some broker downgraded them in mid June, and it was all negativity. All press comment, broker comment, BB comment etc seemed to be reading the last rights for the business. When the Interims came out I read them and they looked good, but I began to doubt my own analysis when all I could read was so negative. So this update coupled with the price reaction has reassured me that I have not gone doodle ally just yet. No what shall I have for tea tonight?

San Jaime 10 Oct 2017

Q3 Trading Update.... Nice rise today after the Q3 Trading Update.I continue to hold during all the volatility of this share.Some of you guys make more money trading DOM but with my luck I would always be out before a big rise. No mention of the German joint venture business though ?Keep eating the pizzas.SJ .


DominoÂ’s up 15% but more to go, says Peel Hunt Domino’s (DOM) share price has surged over the last two weeks as stock has been bought back but Peel Hunt said there is further to go if the takeaway pizza chain can grow like-for-like sales more quickly.Analyst Douglas Jack retained his ‘buy’ recommendation and target price of 400p on the stock as the company undertook a 1.5 million share buyback over the last two weeks. The shares were flat at 306.9p yesterday.‘What we said before still remains intact; if like-for-like sales start to accelerate and the buyback has to compete with short covering on the equivalent of 15% of the equity base, then the upward squeeze on the share price could be considerable.’Jack has confidence that third quarter sales will increase as Domino’s will have benefited from poor weather and soft comparators but said ‘the self-help initiatives of new innovation, pricing and advertising only started towards the end of the quarter, benefiting the fourth quarter of 2017 and the first half of 2018 more than the third quarter of 2017’.[link]

Andy Reilly 26 Sep 2017

Re: DominoÂ’s Pizza: Peel Hunt still want... DS - IF the BoD are 'fighting the market' it will only harm them and make it more difficult for the SP to recover - markets are not easily fooled, and when BoDs try to 'manipulate news and the SP ('pull the wool' over anyone's eyes, let alone the markets), it isnt taken kindly! Trust is vital!

Damp Seaweed 25 Sep 2017

Re: DominoÂ’s Pizza: Peel Hunt still want... It looks to me that Peel Hunt are talking out of their bottom.DOM is supposed to be a growth stock, so why are they spending our money on buying our stock. Have they got nothing better to invest it in ?If it is now ex growth then why not increase the dividend or at least pay out a 'Special Dividend' ?I suspect that the answer has more to do with the executive bonus scheme than maximising Shareholder value.Time to move on IMHO.

no1fireman 21 Sep 2017

holdng on Hmm , great cash cow in the past , I am hopeful that the Pizza train just carries on , gut feeling only , will be keeping a very close eye on these from now on.Good luck


DominoÂ’s commences share buyback Domino’s (DOM) has started its share buyback programme, which Peel Hunt has taken as a sign of the takeaway pizza chain’s confidence in trading conditions.Analyst Douglas Jack retained his ‘buy’ recommendation and target price of 400p on the stock after the group announced it would commence a share repurchase programme of up to £15 million-worth of shares ending on 19 October.‘In our view, the company would not do this if trading was deteriorating or if it planned to sink its capital into UK corporate stores,’ he said.‘Domino’s share buyback programmes tend to be weighted to the first and fourth quarters. The net return to shareholders under “share issue” in the cashflow has averaged just £6 million per annum over the last 10 years, because buying back shares has not always been easy to achieve.’However, he said that if like-for-like sales started to accelerate and ‘the buyback has to compete with short covering on the equivalent of 15% of the equity base, the upward squeeze on the share price could be considerable’.[link]

seadoc 20 Sep 2017

Re: Holding on fireman,The charts look interesting, sort of gold cross type of interesting. Interesting report from WSJ:Stephen Wilmot The U.S. could be the next domino to fall, and investors have yet to cotton on. Domino's Pizza has enjoyed an exceptional run, thanks to a drumbeat of outlet openings, prescient technology investments and missteps by key rival Pizza Hut. But, as the takeout chain's overseas sister companies have shown this year, it is hard to keep up the pace. Three public companies fly the Domino's flag. The original one, listed in New York, issues franchises to U.S. outlets while licensing the brand to so-called master-franchise owners abroad. London-listed Domino's Pizza Group PLC runs master franchises in the United Kingdom and a few smaller countries, while Sydney-listed Domino's Pizza Enterprises Ltd controls them in Australia, Japan and France, among others. The U.S. company, Domino's Pizza Inc., has remained a stock-market darling even as its U.K. and Australian peers have lost their shine. Domino's Pizza Group PLC stock has fallen 32% since the company put out weak numbers in March. Last week, Domino's Pizza Enterprises Ltd reported slower growth than management had hoped, sparking a 19% plunge in the shares. One problem is competition. Domino's was an early adopter of digital systems, allowing the companies to take market share as consumers started ordering on their phones. Now others are catching up, helped by the proliferation of aggregator apps such as GrubHub and Just Eat and delivery apps like Deliveroo and UberEATS. The trend is perhaps most mature in the densely populated U.K., which took a similarly early lead in e-commerce. Another headwind in some countries, notably the U.K. and Japan, has been a strategy of splitting delivery areas, which boosts overall sales but cannibalizes same-store growth. The London-listed Domino's now excludes these splits from same-store growth, otherwise the number would have turned negative in the second quarter, according to Howard Penney of research company Hedgeye Risk Management. Whatever the strategy's merits, investors have concluded the U.K. market for Domino's outlets is getting crowded. The shares now trade on 18 times earnings, their lowest since 2009. The chain continues to post expectation-busting results in the U.S.: Same-store sales rose 9.5% year over year in the second quarter. And international franchise income accounts for such a slender slice of the New York-listed company's revenues that investors have largely shrugged off worries from abroad. Even after a wobble last month, the shares are only 18% off June all-time highs. But it is almost certainly only a matter of time before U.S. growth slips. Market leader Pizza Hut has been ceding market share for the past half-decade, mainly to Domino's, but franchise owner Yum Brands is now funding a comeback. As delivery companies work out how to deal with American-style suburbia, both pizza chains will have to compete with all sorts of other options. On 30 times earnings, Domino's Pizza stock is baking in too many extra toppings. Write to Stephen Wilmot at [email protected] (END) Dow Jones Newswires August 25, 2017 12:24 ET (16:24 GMT) Copyright(c) 2017, Dow Jones & Company Inc.I continue to hold, and have DPP as well. Regards,Seadoc

no1fireman 19 Sep 2017

Holding on A rise , now thats a welcome change

Andy Reilly 06 Sep 2017

Re: DominoÂ’s Pizza: Peel Hunt still want... IASC - glad you are OK and still watching carefully- I must say I am V glad I don't hold DOM currently - I also think markets 'seem' to have a choppy Autumn ahead of them!!! Hope I am wrong, but I do have a cash IF there is some turbulence! (Buy Low and sell High!!! Its a good method, but not all that easy to effect!

IAmShareCrazy 28 Aug 2017

Re: DominoÂ’s Pizza: Peel Hunt still want... I have never used a local company before other than when I was on holiday. I have no position here, but just checking things out that catch my eye that I can learn from. Heavy volume gap which falls below 200 day moving average springs to mind.

Andy Reilly 24 Aug 2017

Re: DominoÂ’s Pizza: Peel Hunt still want... As to ordering another DOM pizza - your comment rather begs the qustion as to why you havent used the local company again?

IAmShareCrazy 20 Aug 2017

Re: DominoÂ’s Pizza: Peel Hunt still want... Dire reviews on Trust Pilot - seems they are not hidden like Purple Bricks. Big sell off before drop. I just ordered a Dom, not good value compared to a local company where I could finish the meal for the same price.

Andy Reilly 18 Aug 2017

Re: DominoÂ’s Pizza: Peel Hunt still want... MW .... and IF markets hit tougher times? Right now there seem a lot of nerves out there... (and I will try and avoid 'second guessing' too much what markets will do), BUT a second trip 260p looks a reasonable possibility short term.... and IF 260p is then breached.....??? AR (as you will have 'devined' I am a bit nervous of markets right now, and what they have in store for this Autumn.. in my books they 'look' a bit vulnerable. So I remain on the cautious side for now!(What is going on with Trump? - chucking the (very unpleant) Steve Bannon overboard isnt going to ease nerves much I would have thought. The Mooch has gone... now Bannen... come on Trump!)My thoughts and best wishes go out to those caught up in the Barcelona horrors

Hardboy 11 Aug 2017

Partnership with Franchisee This relationship is getting messy. Not sure a party should be its own franchisee, which it effectively it is now. But I guess it will give other franchisees some reassurance that they are not going to rip them off!

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