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sharegardener 21 Apr 2015

Re: Takeover - goodbye Domino Hi VitruviusYes Brother takeover was voted through on 15th April but doesnt complete till June:''The Scheme was approved by the Scheme Shareholders at the Court Meeting and the special resolution to implement the Scheme (the "Special Resolution" was passed by the Domino Shareholders at the General Meeting.''Link is below but RNS of 15th April is on ii news also.[link] sold on the day of the announcement as posted earlier. I received what will sadly be the last dividend payment on 11th April!The SP lingered above the offer price for a while as there was some possibility of a counterbid, although the premium Brother were offering made it look like a done deal from the outset.SG

vitruvius 21 Apr 2015

Re: Takeover - goodbye Domino i have sold at 945 - now wondering whether the takeover has gone through or not? the court meeting and egm were supposed to have been on april 19th - have been unable to find any more information?

albent 08 Apr 2015

DNO valuation Report on DNO NO" target="blank" rel="nofollow">[link] I found useful.

sharegardener 11 Mar 2015

Takeover - goodbye Domino I have sold out today at 945 on the Brother takeover bid news. Have held DNO for a couple of years but with the offer price at 915p I can only think that the bid could be rejected by the big shareholders who want to hold out for a higher offer. Still, a bird in the hand...etc. Also they went ex-div on 6th Mar so the final div of 14.76p is still to come!I thought DNO were a well run company with innovative IP and a long record of growing divi. A pity overall that it is going to a foreign buyer. Good luck to all in Bar Hill!SG

II Editor 11 Mar 2015

NEW ARTICLE: Domino Printing Sciences Plc Surges 30% After £1bn Offer From Brother "Shares in Domino Printing Sciences (LSENO) have surged by over 30% today as the inkjet and laser printer manufacturer is the subject of a £1bn takeover from Japanese peer, Brother. The takeover is an all-cash deal of 915p per share and ..."[link]

II Editor 13 Jan 2015

NEW ARTICLE: Domino’s full-colour future "Domino Printing Sciences is a leading manufacturer of printers for coding and marking products and packaging. Investment to break into the nascent digital label printing market, may be holding it back, temporarily… It would have been better, ..."[link]

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