Should DMGT offload its papers? the Guardian – 11 Oct 18 Johnston Press, owner of i newspaper, puts itself up for sale Struggling publisher seeks offers after lengthy refinancing talks with bondholders Why should DMGT keep its papers when others are offloading theirs or consolidating? Time for DMGT to break itself up or see the papers lose circulation or have very little value.
Update The update still shows advertising revenue soft. I hold the view DMGT should break itself up and return surplus cash to shareholders. Each business should only be part of the Group if it adds value otherwise it should go.ZPG and Euromoney holdings sold or probabily sold down yet the paper side remains as part of the Group - should it receive investment or not?
Re: Euromoney Games,Tend to agree with you.Recently I've seen freebie papers at Hotels and now £1m scratch card promo. TrinityMirror Grp have opted for mergers yet DMGT has chosen a standalone strategy. I think, without mergers DMGT needs to call time on owning papers and reinvent itself.
Re: sold Reduced holding by one third before last sharp drop asI I too am nervous about the future. It does however pay a reasonable dividend for mother in law's care fees!
sold out - no longer believe the online business will compensate for the continued fall of the print. This article probably explains why, it's quite old and quite lengthy, but has lots of relevant information.[link] guess the other underlying investments were a comfort in Euromoney and ZPG. Given that the founder and his spouse of Euromoney have offloaded a tidy chunk this week, it calls into question it's importance given DMGT has reduced it's stake in Euromoney to lower the group debt -- good thing in itself.That leaves ZPG, which seems like and excellent company, and I came to the conclusion that if I want this I should buy it independently.Made about a 22% gain with divis in just over 2 months so not a bad return -- some of the proceeds will go to WPP.Games
Euromoney [link] look great - big chunk sold of one of DMGT's 3 prime assets.Games
NEW ARTICLE: Is it worth buying Daily Mail shares? "Following some pretty grim headlines in 2017, investors in Daily Mail owner LSEMGT
MGTwill be relieved to learn that the company's first update of 2018 is most likely to be covered in tomorrow's news-in-brief sections.But even if today's first ..."[link]
Finsbury Growth View This December update by Nick Train is one of the longest I've seen him put out and yet more thoughtful than usual. He's an odd charachter to listen to and his speech is somewhat laboured. Perhaps the slowness and disjointedness of his spoken words is an asset attached to his slowness of thought in stock selection and probably more importantly his minimal activity around stock selection.Here is the article over a couple of pages and worth reading all of it :-[link] relevant part for DMGT reads as thus:-""""So, what is an investor in UK equities of my vintage to do in these uncertain times? First let me reiterate that now is an exciting and rewarding time to be seeking out well-positioned UK companies probably as exciting and rewarding as at any time in financial history. There are uncertainties yes, but the potential is thrillingfor those that can get right either the Technology or their access to new global markets, or preferably both.As an example and this relates to another 2017 poorly performing holding as far back as 1901 Sunny Harmsworth, co-founder of the Daily Mail, mused about the possibility of launching a simultaneous newspaper, published across the UK, US and rest of the world given the man, the capital, the organisation and the occasion. Well the occasion wasnt to present itself to Daily Mail for more than another 100 years,but you bet Sunny Harmsworth wouldve been impressed by the scale and reach of MailOnline today and the rapidity with which its reached £100m of advertising revenue. I acknowledge the case is not proven, but in theory at least MailOnline could be greatly more profitable and valuable than its print forbear because it canreach immeasurably more readers at an immeasurably lower cost of production. As Harmsworth said in 1901 I am convinced that the Press has its best days to come. He was right. And its still true today even if the delivery mechanism has changed.Daily Mail & General Trust is one of an important group of investments in the portfolio that I hope will combine to deal with my earlier question. What to invest in during a period of technology disruption?""""Games
Re: Trinity Mirror and DGMT's response stutes -- I wonder does it matter that much?DMGT's stake in ZPG and Euromoney is growing so fast that it could soon be the case that the newspaper is for free. If they can continue to maintain it as a profitable business and grow the online issue (currently growing at 18% is it?) then there will come a point where it could be sold or even shut down.Depends on whether you believe the physical newspaper is in terminal decline or if it will reach a plateau and will maintain a certain circulation.Everyone said books were dead with the advent of the Kindle and many other electronic reading methods, but books sales aren't doing too badly at all.Games -- In at 532 and 545 so it's not all bad - so far at least!
Trinity Mirror and DGMT's response [link] will DGMT respond strategically to the growing concentration of power of Trinity Mirror in terms of national newspaper brands? Should they merge the Mail assets with those of say the Telegraph or The Times? Falling newspaper circulation and the growing threat of Google/Facebook/Apple must mean DMGT needs to do something strategically.
Ex Dividend today -- stock seems to be holding up well after the 15.8p lock far about a 12% return in this in two weeks.Games
Re: Upped again Hello games,It just proves the market over reacts on occasions. When you think of newspapers, you think of a dying industry and that would be right. However, DMGT have used their FCF wisely over the years buying into quality Companies. Perhaps they need a name change to throw off the stigma of newsprint. I haven't put the house on it as most of it is already in the market. I daren't raid the bank account again although it would have paid off handsomely. I'm in profit again now so very satisfied.I am also holding another stock associated with hard copy news and that is Connect (CNCT) which is to all intents W H Smith, another down at the heels stock. But, like DMGT, it has an active management team with some good ideas about re structuring and plenty of FCF. The yield is very generous and, although the results were disappointing, they were able to INCREASE the dividend. The final dividend is 6.7p and it goes ex div on 11 Jan.Casa.
Upped again 50% more added this AMGames
Euromoney acquires.... [link] like they have acquired a good few companies of late.Games -- so DMGT benefits (or not) from 49% of this
Non Exec Buys 01-Dec-17 Daily Mail And General Trust A (non.v) DMGT Parry,Kevin A H 4,847 @ 5.57p 27,022.02£01-Dec-17 Daily Mail And General Trust A (non.v) DMGT Parry,Kevin A H 8,891 @ 5.56p 49,451.74£01-Dec-17 Daily Mail And General Trust A (non.v) DMGT Parry,Kevin A H 4,000 @ 5.56p 22,232.00£""""""Kevin Parry is a chartered accountant who brings a broad range of experience and skills to the Board. He serves on a number of listed company boards and has previously been a Non-Executive Director of Schroders plc and Knight Frank LLP. He has extensive experience chairing audit and risk committees and being a member of remuneration and nominations committees. He was Group CEO of Management Consulting Group PLC and the managing partner of KPMGs information, communications and entertainment practice in London.Committee membership: Audit & Risk and Investment & Finance.""""Well he obviously thinks it's pretty low risk at these prices.Games