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rikid 19 Apr 2016

Milton group! Milton have acquired another 7 million shares taking their total to just over 5% of Dekeloil. Interesting, maybe they know a good thing when they see it. Looking forward to another good year here.

here and now 14 Apr 2016

great interviews [link] growth, smashed targets, profits, more profits, investment and dividends at end of 2016!!!!!!!!!

rikid 14 Apr 2016

Re: great RNS Couldn't agree more,this company must be so far under most people's radar that nothing seems to shift the price much. As the year progresses with even more good news hopefully Dekeloil should grab more attention.

geldman 14 Apr 2016

Re: great RNS The RNS emphasised the El Nino effect on palm oil prices. From my somewhat superficial research the price is continuing to climb as either drought or torrential rain, depending on the country takes hold. The rally in prices from December, see chart below is approx. 24%Month Price ChangeSep 2015 483.49 -Oct 2015 530.25 9.67 %Nov 2015 503.16 -5.11 %Dec 2015 520.60 3.47 %Jan 2016 531.62 2.12 %Feb 2016 595.90 12.09 %Mar 2016 632.79 6.19 %I am not sure if DKL achieve world market price, but I remember reading that there is a local premium in Cote d'Ivoire. The palm oil prices were 860.52/tonne in March 2014, bottomed at 483.49 in Sep 2015 and is today 67. The stock appears undervalued and ought to be a takeover target in the next 18 months.

rikid 14 Apr 2016

Re: great RNS Can't believe that the price hasn't moved much today. I will continue to add on any weakness until the world wakes up to this company.

Nige the snake 14 Apr 2016

great RNS should do well today

geldman 05 Apr 2016

Thank you El Nino The predicted El Nino effect in SE Asia is beginning to come through. The price of CPO is forecast to rise steadily over the next 6 months. Perhaps one of the large Malaysian producers might be tempted to buy a producer in Africa to hedge their bets in 2016/7/. DKL appears to have very financially astute management, viz the recent refinancing, in addition to excellent farming expertise.

malkis 05 Apr 2016

Good RNS.......................................... ....................ONWARD and UPWARD DKL PROGRESSING WELL Warm regards to all M ALKIS

malkis 06 Jan 2016

I have topped up.. GOOD ..R N S................ Quite happy with this forward and well run co.' Warm regards Malkis

granpasimpson 20 Dec 2015

MIDAS share tips.Should get a bit of interest tomorrow [link]

geldman 08 Dec 2015

Debt relief allows Cantor Fitzgerald to up target Encouraging news today"DekelOil (LONKL) said its debt has reduced by €5.1mln, improving the economics of its 51%-owned Ayenouan palm oil project in Cote d'Ivoire.It follows the cancellation of a capital note signed with Biopalm, which owns the other 49% of Ayenouan.The agreement means Biopalm won’t now have to find a €1.1mln equity contribution to the project and remains at 49% of Ayenouan.The note carried an annual coupon of 10%.Director Lincoln Moore said the debt deal “unlocks significant value for shareholders”.“With profits on an upwards trajectory, and the palm kernel oil plant now in operation, the board will continue to take full advantage of the excellent progress made on the ground to date to further strengthen our balance sheet so that it more fully reflects DekelOil's status as a growing palm oil producer rather than a pure project development company," he added."The shares, up 25% in the year to date, gained a further 9% in morning trade to 1.25p.Broker Cantor Fiztgerald said: “While in theory DekelOil loses outstanding capital contributions from the minority, we had not included these in our forecasts so there is an overall increase in value.”Restating its ‘buy’ advice, Cantor said the stock was worth 2p a share, up from 1.75p previously

avago 05 Nov 2015

Big purchase Seems someone has faith in the company and has purchased over £1 million worth today (>100,000,000 shares)

here and now 09 Oct 2015

under valued and under the radar [link]

malkis 06 Oct 2015

Re: Good news Yes h g and Iam content to hold all mine long term .Seems to have slipped under the radar for a while but there seems to be good sensible people steering DKLand I will be happy to see a steady rise to consolidate the co'. Warm Regards Malkis

head gardener 06 Oct 2015

Good news Production update today shows significant growth - how long before the potential of this company is recognised and the SP moves sharply upwards?!

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