Dekeloil Live Discussion

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The Gold-Digger 05 May 2015

Re: Dekel Oil I have been buying as much of this stock as possible. It's share price is only going one way in the next year or tw

here and now 04 May 2015

Re: Dekel Oil [link]

Ripley94 04 May 2015

Re: Dekel Oil AIM APRIL 2013 .

one4all 29 Apr 2015

dont understand the lack of interest here profitable company with massive growth potential. its a BUY

woodee 16 Apr 2015

1p gone forever Good news just keeps coming. Soon more people will catch on to what is brewing. Will it be 3x or4x bagger by year end?

one4all 16 Apr 2015

word from CD'i is that 2500 tonnes in 2 weeks so my man on the ground tells me that there has been 2500 tonnes processed in the first two weeks of April. Thats huge

one4all 14 Apr 2015

great article on tiptv this am with ebitda of 3mill euros thsi year and 10mill next year with prospect of a dividend, plus own platation coming on line next year and kernel plant making margins even larger going forward. still see 4p end of this year

one4all 07 Apr 2015

400% rise in production from dec to march so production was just on 1000 tonnnes in December, march was over 4000 tonnes and the whole production of last year will be reached by end of April. plus the kernel crushing plant to produce the more expensive and highly profitable kernel oil will be on stream by last qtr of year.whats not to like. BUY

dickie3times 06 Apr 2015

OIL rises...Reuters US oil settles up $3, or 6.1%, at $52.14 a barrel2 hours agoReuters[link] oil rallied 6 percent on Monday as traders re-assessed how quickly Iran could increase exports after a preliminary nuclear deal and anticipated that a months-long rise in U.S. inventories may be slowing.U.S. crude for May delivery closed up $3.00, or 6.11 percent, at $52.14 a barrel, its largest one-day gain since February 3. Brent crude for May delivery was up $2.90 from Thursday at $57.80 a barrel.Brent crude tumbled nearly 4 percent on Thursday after Iran and six world powers announced a framework agreement on the OPEC member's nuclear program. But initial expectations of a quick recovery in oil exports were tempered by views that it could take up to a year to roll back sanctions."While clearly a bearish headline, a final deal and full lifting of sanctions still faces a number of obstacles," Morgan Stanley analysts said in a note.Iranian finance, energy sectors could soar on deal"Even if a final deal is reached, we do not expect any physical market impact before 2016," the analysts said.Oil extended gains after industry intelligence group Genscape reported that stockpiles at Cushing, Oklahoma, barely rose last week, according to traders. It would be the smallest increase in stocks since November at the delivery point for the U.S. crude contract traded on the New York Mercantile Exchange.A Genscape official was not immediately available to comment.

DannyQSee 27 Mar 2015

Re: Interesting What makes you say 4p?I'm not judging, just interested in your reasoning.

one4all 26 Mar 2015

Re: Interesting still here this is going to be a great year. all the ground work is done now expansion phase. I see 4p by year end

DannyQSee 26 Mar 2015

Interesting It's interesting that we've had a lot of discussions on here all the way down from 1.65 with consistent "buy" rating and no one doing the maths or raising any concerns.. now (over 50% down) you guys have gone quiet... what's happening?I think below 1p is a fair valuation, but there is room to grow. Is anyone still on board or have you given up?I've been investing for nearly 20years now and there will always be periods where you're under water... the important thing is to consistently do your homework and stick with it.

DannyQSee 20 Mar 2015

Re: Consolidation and excitment in this ... I've been looking at this company for a while and while it was expensive in the past the current valuation at 1p looks a lot better.I can see opportunity in the future, but I think the current valuation is right, but I'm happy to hear some of your thoughts.Here's mine:The Proactive article mentions valuations in the industry at US$18,000-US$19,000. Sime Darby paid around US$25,000 dollars per hectare which is a bit of an uplift, so I imagine it's in a good location.Just focusing on these valuations (and leaving production agreements out of it), I can see from company records that DekelOil has been granted rights over- 176 oil palm estates covering 2,363 hectares of land within a radius of approximately 80 km (doesn't sound very convenient to manage)- to date, the company has planted 1,886 hectaresDekelOil own 51% of DekelOil Côte d’Ivoire Ltd with 49% joint venture partner, Biopalm.So I've taken a median of $20k per hectare which values the whole operation at $38mil, given the dollar rate that's £25mil.Taking the 49% joint venture out that leaves me with £13mil - today's valuation is £15mil... am I missing something here?Even if there is an offer as some of you guys are predicting I can't see a big bonus being paid right now.Positives are the potential expansion to 2,363 hectares and I assume they are making a reasonable profit from the feedstock contracts, but the placing in November last year was done at 1.25p which again sounds about right.What are your thoughts?sp today 1p

one4all 09 Mar 2015

Re: Consolidation and excitment in this sect... my only real worry is that those clowns at RHPS have tipped this, they have a laughable record. makes me very nervous. maybe this is the ONE THAT THEY GET RIGHT. their dart throwing picks have been a joke. remember AVANTI, oh I could list a bucketful of their total disaster tips. but let hope they have thrown the dart at the bulls eye this time.

The Gold-Digger 09 Mar 2015

Consolidation and excitment in this sector continues to build momentum [link]

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