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14:17 10/11/2014

faaz 2nd account = matarakz

14:17 10/11/2014

faaz ramper!

11:48 10/11/2014

just had a small punt here

11:48 10/11/2014

morning Guy

11:28 10/11/2014


11:28 10/11/2014

yeah, was only a few hours on that day i noticed issues

11:28 10/11/2014

aye, blummin robots most of em. we've weathered the storm quite well have to say (y)

11:26 10/11/2014

got nout better to do eh

11:25 10/11/2014

the site's been poorly quite often lately, it's getting hammered by people trying to exploit recent vulns in SSL

11:25 10/11/2014

maybe a week last friday?

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