Glug, Glug, Glug! Yet another awful trading update. The share price is back where it was 3 years ago. So much for being a growth share! Their move of production facilities seems to have really come unstuck - and the management seem to be rapidly losing credibility, walking in the dark and suddenly finding out problems. I have always been tempted by this company, but at the moment it just seems to be too accident prone for me!The B
NEW ARTICLE: Stockwatch: Weighing the odds of a market crash "Apologists for the roaring US bull market often say, it's nowhere near a climax because there just aren't enough signs of euphoria to imply a major reversal on disappointing news. Yet US indices have powered ahead this month with no nod of ..."[link]
Re: DIA, technically very strong............... DIA Dialight.......very interesting chart with with 2 Gaps down in 2015 and a gap up in 2016 filled on a candle wick. Certainly one to watch closely from here onwards.<img src="[link] month chart</u></b><img src="[link] are focused on executing the Group's ambitious growth strategy as we seek to capture the opportunity in the industrial LED lighting market. The transformation to a robust and scalable manufacturing platform has advanced significantly in the period. We have completed platform engineering, and nine out of twelve product lines have transferred to our manufacturing partner with the final three lines to be completed by the end of the year. We remain excited by the Group's prospects and remain confident of delivering continued growth and shareholder value. Our expectations for the second half of 2017 remain unchanged.
DIA, technically very strong................ DIA.<b><u>Dialight tipped for rapid recovery</u></b>Lee Wild | Mon, 27th February 2017 - 13:25Dialight tipped for rapid recovery A series of crippling profits warnings blighted chief executive Michael Sutsko's early days in charge at LED lighting specialist Dialight (DIA), but his three-year strategic plan has had early successes and these full-year results are strong. They're so good, in fact, that house broker Investec Securities no longer believes the shares deserve to trade at a discount to peers, triggering a 26% hike in its price target."Phase one of the plan, to rebuild our operating model, is largely complete," said a confident Sutsko Monday. "Phase two of the plan - growth initiatives to capture the long-term opportunity in LED lighting - is underway, and on track to deliver against our strategic plan."These corporate initiatives never come cheap, of course, and Sutsko's masterplan has wiped £16.4 million from Dialight's bottom line. "Operating model changes" include restructuring costs and impairment charges. It also covers over £5 million of redundancy costs as Dialight shifts UK production from Newmarket to US manufacturing partner Sanmina, and scales down its Mexican facility.The company made a loss before tax of £3.8 million in 2016, similar to the year before. Add back one-offs and it's a different story, however. Dialight doubled underlying operating profit to £13.1 million, giving underlying earnings per share (EPS) of 26.9p.That's on revenue of £182 million, up 13% which, admittedly, received a significant boost from translation of hefty dollar earnings back into weak pounds - Dialight made 71% of group sales in North America in 2016, up 20% year-on-year. Only 6% of revenue is generated in the UK. Operating profit received a £1.5 million currency boost. Strip out the currency effect and Dialight's top line grew by a more modest 2%.Dialight said 16 months ago it was targeting annual revenue growth of over 25% by the end of 2018. An operating profit margin at the core lighting division nudging 10% is also well on the way to achieving the 15% target, Sutsko tells Interactive Investor.Investec analysts Michael Blogg and Chris Dyett is convinced enough with the transformation to restate its earnings recovery profile, although it urges an element of caution given this is still early in the new financial year."In view of the excellent execution of the strategy so far, we have eliminated from our valuation the discount (formerly 15%) to peers' average 2017e-19e EV/EBITDA ratios," write the pair. "Our target price rises by 26% [from 850p to 1,070p] on peers' rerating and the increasing cash resources, and we reiterate 'buy'."<b>Sensible move</b>That's a sensible move. However, the market has been pricing in better times for a number of months, encouraged by a series of regular confidence-building progress updates.Indeed, Dialight's share price has already more than doubled to a three-year high since bottoming out at below 400p a year ago, its lowest since summer 2010. The shares now trade on an EV/EBITDA ratio for 2017 of 11.3, dropping to 7.7 for 2018.And, on Investec's estimates for adjusted EPS of 35.4p this year and 59.7p a year later, the price earnings (PE) ratio is 27 times, dropping to 16 in 2018.Dialight shares have recently pulled back following a test of technical resistance at around 1,025-1,030p, which is unsurprising. Hit those achievable growth targets and there's good reason to believe in further recovery, though perhaps not at the pace investors have been used to in recent months.[link]
NEW ARTICLE: Dialight tipped for rapid recovery "A series of crippling profits warnings blighted chief executive Michael Sutsko's early days in charge at LED lighting specialist LSEIA
ialight, but his three-year strategic plan has had early successes and these full-year results are strong. ..."[link]
DIA, Broker Upgrade On Results....... Investec re DIA: ..... Our target price rises by 26% on peers re rating and the increasing cash resources, and we reiterate Buy.
Re: DIA, Chart BREAKOUT.......... Dialight have been blighted by multiple difficulties - their previous CEO left through illness, other directors departed at short notice, then hit by downturn in oil (rig lighting etc) and a string of profit warnings & poor results with divi suspended. Now, new CEO is progressing with turnaround plans,ditching non-viable production by shifting to 'outsourced manufacturing' with a new global partner Sanmima (+ closing UK factory) and improving their product offerings including controls & automation (Rockwell another big name). I recall dialight having good IP and previous deals with Philips lighting so their products are differentiated.Net cash 4M at half year and 'currency tailwinds' as the saying goes.From the chart readers there was a 'diamond bottom' around 400p, allegedly this has a good corellation with SP recovery.The main question is can they sustain the growth into new markets and light up all those construction cranes and wind turbines! The SP has shot up so much already that it could be 'buy on the rumour sell on the news'. FW Thorpe have done much better over the last few years by the looks of it.SG
DIA, Chart BREAKOUT.......... DIA Dialight recently featured here, 6 month breakout and gap up, although longer term it is hitting 2014 resistance. Results 27th February, .......see last RNS which was very bullish going forward.[link] year chart</u></b>[link]