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Sober666 30 Sep 2015

Re: progress!. really appreciate your insight... a welcome change on this tumbleweed of a patience has been tested as a very long term holder all the way down £1.00 up to £1.80 and all the way down to current SP.The cash burn has been ridiculous....the delays on contracts has been ridiculous and the very long lead times on new deals really does test the long term success of this plc... 'in Tom we trust'....they need to get a move on here as they have all the IP but there doesn't seem to be the solid long term contract wins in abundance.,,,,I'd be really keen to know yours or any other views on cashflow / cashburn.....

mantrova 24 Sep 2015

Re: progress!. Yes, good to see the daily upticks. I'm back here since earlier this week....they were close to 200p in Feb 2013 and are still very tightly held by the ii's.Level 2 never has much stock showing and currently it's still the case. On each side of the mm's bid/ask the total is a mere 6500shrs (!!!), with the ask being split 4000 @ 47p and 2500 @ 49p. One can clearly see why the shares were hot the last time they were in great few there for so many!I think the SCSW monthly mag had them as a big fav in the past and I wouldn't be surprised to see DGB again featured in one of their future editions. SCSW has a big following and and positive output from them does have a very strong effect.glm

gerihatric 24 Sep 2015

progress!. RNS on Sep 1; Sep 21st and now today. The key statement for me is the potential to become the "defacto" solution for major law enforcement agencies. More contracts expected. And SP creeping up. I am sure Techinvest will give it further coverage in its next issue due next week end and that will give it further exposure.

II Editor 02 Sep 2015

NEW ARTICLE: Trends and Targets for 3/09/2015 " DIGITAL BARRIERS PLC (LSEGB) meets our criteria for interesting shares in the Support Services Sector. Few people talk about it yet the share price manages reasonable movements despite the absence of informed chatter.  Something a bit ..."[link]

LK Hyman 26 Feb 2015

Re: explaining the rise? "LKH on the flybridge watching and waiting on this puppy"Looks as if I made the right call back in February 2013 LOL.LKH on the flybridge still watching and waitig

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