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gerihatric 24 May 2017

Manchester it is very sad to say that as a result of this attack DGB will benefit. G4S has said it will use ThruViz for all events it manages around the world as a security step. As a result of this tragedy I can anticipate that we will now have to do the same internally in the UK. We have no control of our borders so we will have to put police on the streets; be searched at every event we attend and go through security scanners-just like at airports. We will live in the fear of attack from within. Under political correctness that is Islamophobic-but it is the reality. Charlie Hebdo; Paris; Nice; Berlin London 2005 are all examples..

gerihatric 20 Apr 2017

Re: latest news And not a mention on this board today, despite nearly 1m shares traded. When the announcement was made that major contracts were delayed the SP got hammered down to 26p. Today's news only generated a small increase. I bought more at 26p but I did expect a more significant response to today's news. And from the Chairman's comments he clearly expects more. I hold!

claude reins 02 Dec 2016

Re: latest news They have been a great disappointment to me. I would have thought that there would have been far more interest in the see=through clothing equipment for places like airports. However there seems to be some movement on a wider front for a range of their products.They are always going to be a bit lumpy and especially they will have long term programmes of sales because of all the procurement timing issues they mention. However one day.....they are going to crack it.Unfortunately, the greatest promotion for their products will be if there are a number of terrorist attacks which their products could have prevented. Governments and other organisartions will always be more reactive than proactive, sad to say. On another front, maybe Trump will be an encourager of their sort of equipment. Strong hold at this price. Not tempted to top up at this time.

gerihatric 02 Dec 2016

latest news in the rns on the 1st December. The first contract for body worn video surveillance in the AP-£1m; European contact for 350k euros as part of process to 3.5m euros and a ME initial contract for Edgeviz live surveillance for £400k-all new clients; strong pipeline and will generate further sales. The target for the year is £20m to break even and having generated $10m contracts in September progress being made is good. The negative seems to be "the financial times lines of the contracts". These are all indicators that they are aiming to be the "defacto" solution for major law enforcement agencies. These contracts suggest to me that they are moving in that direction-but the SP does not reflect my interpretation!

claude reins 12 Oct 2016

Re: RNS yesterday and again today This is the srt of news that will give this share momentum. A bit disappointed to hera thay have been stock constrained but trust that will be fixed quickly. I guess they have been caught short by their own success, especially in the US via Brimtek.

gerihatric 12 Oct 2016

RNS yesterday and again today Yesterday it was an arrangement with G4S to use ThruVis for all events they manage world wide and today it is a US contract for ThruVis for use in mass transit and public spaces. They hope to achieve breakeven this year. Moving in the right direction imo Techmarketviews also reasonably positive on it and he is fairly conservative in his assessments.

Regency Green 14 Sep 2016

Back In Been monitoring this for many months and following the RNS this morning decided time could be right to go back in, in a small way initially. Brimtek would seem to offer huge potential in the US so hopefully this is just the start.

claude reins 29 Mar 2016

Re: share tips for 2016.TI Thanks for that, Gerihatric. I will have to check the list to see what has taken off. Certainly DGB and Kalibrate haven't! I agree with your sentiment. I am surprised the results haven't come in faster, and that there has been a relative consistent level of selling. Maybe PIs with less patience than you or I are getting bored with it, and that it wont be in profit for some time.

gerihatric 29 Mar 2016

Re: share tips for 2016.TI Amino @112Centanic@42Cityfibre@63Digital [email protected] Solutions @103Kalibrate@91Keywords@207Lombard Risk [email protected]@56.5Regenersis@[email protected]@21.5re DGB-all the statements from the Chairman clearly indicate that he expects more contracts from both sides of the Atlantic and I feel that recent events should support that view.

claude reins 29 Mar 2016

anybody there? I would have thought that the technology this company has and iscontinuing to develop is just the sort of protection that Western countries - and others in the Middle East - would be looking for to offer addittional protection to their cirtizens. Anyone has similar or opposing views. All contributions gratefully received!

claude reins 23 Mar 2016

Re: share tips for 2016.TI Yes your tips after an appropriate time gap. I think we may have reached that by now?

claude reins 23 Mar 2016

The Brussels atrocity was awful, but.... .......The great thing about the key selling point of the DGB proposition is that it can detect at some distance the threat of something dangerous being carried....oir am I missing the point of the business? If I am right, then it is highly appropriate for places like airports, stations etc where you need to assess large numbers of people BEFORE - in the case of airports - they get to the Security part of the process. Should bode well for business....I hope, in the sense of problem prevention and sales, rather than sales because of masses oif similar incidents.

claude reins 13 Jan 2016

Re: share tips for 2016.TI Thanks for that. In the meantime, we will comntinue with our dobule act on thius under-active BB!

gerihatric 13 Jan 2016

Re: share tips for 2016.TI Techinvest is a totally separate newsletter and operates from Dublin. It is not associated with MMI/SCSW.If you still want their recs I will send them to you after a time lag to allow subscribers make their decisions-maybe a couple of weeks as he himself says that the marketmakers mark the shares up in the initial period and to let the shares settle. Except for DGB that is!

gerihatric 13 Jan 2016

Re: Prudential sale good point... you may well be correct

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