Re: Please sir can I have some more. RAC,Thanks for the tick. Just been talking to the broker. I pointed out that the RNS specifically mentioned the EIS status of DEMG and he has got out the file and confirmed that I can buy at 0.875p (1.25p less tax refund of 30%). At the moment I can sell at 1.25p. I do not hold (350,000/0.0125 28m shares and to be honest I wish my tax bill next year could be (£350,000 x 30%
£105k, but I am expecting a bill of just a few percent of that amount. I will have to get out a large bit of paper and do a few sums over the weekend.To enter into your discussion with BB: 20 years ago the monitors were about £8000 each to NHS. But..... a hospital not a million miles away from where I worked at the time got the monitors on loan and the probes on sale or return. I agree with BB that it is all "broadly" clear in the accounts as in the much used phrase "profits broadly in line with expectations" is a profits warning in a sugar coating. But there are clearly a lot more monitors in use than have been bought so I suspect part of the sales of monitors will be an accounting dodge for those in fact lent out. Further in USofA the business model may well be different, certainly from that negotiated with head office in UK, but more so between the hospitals each of which may have negotiated a different business plan.As far as I can see all that matters is the profit margin on probes, which in the published accounts may be distorted by a charge back from loan of monitors. It would not surprise me if the manufacturing cost per probe was in single figures and even after packaging and sterilization only just reaches double figures.Just my thoughts, must be time for my medication.Regards,Seadoc
Re: Please sir can I have some more. bb,More to the point than Fokisi's shareholding or otherwise, have you got your share offer letter yet and will you be buying more at 1.25p?Hang on for a few days and you'll be able to buy at less than 1.25p.Also maybe you'd like to calculate the losses per monitor and probe as DMEG falls again today?Cheers, RAC
Re: Shareholders An Update Just got a letter from broker. All and every shareholder registered on 22nd January may apply for as many or few shares as they wish but in the event of total applications exceeding £350.000 applications will be scaled back pro rata.My reply is needed by 140 on 2nd Feb.Regards,Seadoc
Re: Shareholders - someone got the cream "Seadoc is still waiting but looks like someone got all the cream"Penny is finally dropping for me, to this cash call story Group of investors who have taken the cream (placing & subscription) were clearly able to take this to the wire, and so it appears they clearly have, on terms favourable to themselves, as one would expectNot sure it is favourable to us humble small investors, but we shall certainly discover that in coming months. Let us hope it is. The re-set button has been pushed But it would be naive for us not to anticipate this group to now be able to quickly take DEMG private, & leave us high & dry Or am I wrong?
Re: Please sir can I have some more. RACOpacity, smacityFrom the accounts I can see volumes and revenues for each market for each of probes and monitors. I can see gross margin on both consumables and monitors and can work out average costs and revenues. Can you really not see this too?Oh, they even give a little table on page 12 showing the marginsAnyway, did you or Pond go and look at Fokisi's history? Do you still think he owns any shares?BB
Re: Please sir can I have some more. pond1,busted boomer is welcome to continue with his bluster but the opacity of DEMG accounts soes not afford easy financial analysis. The key point to note is that DEMG has had to become a serial issue of shares bacause their cash balance falls progressively as sales of monitors and probes are inadequate and do nolt support a viable business.That I continue to hold DEMG shares is because I can afford to write of the loss but live in forlorn hope that this loss might be reduced by some recovery due to takeover etc. But even at 1.25p further averaging down would be foolish - and good money after bad.Cheers, RAC
Re: Please sir can I have some more. Should have added that I agree profit margins are good as percentages were given but no figures to cost of sale, so even a 70% profit margin of a none given cost is useless except in general terms.As said a few times before, the turnover is very low which is one of the main problems Deltex have had for years.As to you believing that Deltex will be successful, I dearly hope you are right.
Re: Please sir can I have some more. Busted Boomer,You say, 'Profit margins on monitors and probes are all there for you. Suggest you work them out and decide if you want to share them. Credit will be given for showing your workings'. But they are not there. The last time I recall figures being given out on a contract RNS was a few years ago. We don't know if production has become cheaper on volume (presumably it has) or to the profit margin on any contracts since that mentioned one.If you can point me to where figures are in able for me to work profit margins out please do so and not because I am too lazy to look myself, but because I have looked and the figures are not their.Even looking at company results, profit margins can not be worked out as they are not separated from other side costs.
To invest? Fokisi Thanks for tick up, rarely get any from the GOM!The offer was flagged up on 23rd, closed before it opened (so new shares were all placed prior to RNS). There are about 250m old shares and they have £350,000 to collect. So 350/250000 is say 0.14p a share or just under 1 for 10, say one for 7?I keep checking my sums as most offers are 1 for 7, even 1 for 10 so I hope I have not got the decimal in the wrong place. Please check my sums £350,000/250,000,000 shares is £0.0014 or 0.14p. 0.14 to 1.25 is 1 to 8.9. As i read it no basic allowance, apply as you wish (given that fat cats already got the cream) so if everyone applies for a full bundle expect scale back to about 1 for every 10?As to thoughts about cash: Will £2m get them through? Tricky but yes? If offered EIS cash-back will go for 1 for 5 (details on website pointed out EIS company status). But will still go for 1 for 10 even if not getting EIS cashback.Regards,Seadoc
Shareholders Anyone got an invitation to subscribe at 1.25P. Seadoc is still waiting but looks like someone got all the cream.
To invest? It's an interesting one, at least to meAssuming deal goes through, position will be:1.DEMG has Cash of (say) £2m2.This amount gives another (say) 12-16 months of trading on current cash-burn rate3.Marketable product (by current exec)? In the past? The answer has been no, since 2002In the future? The answer is maybe4.One share, currently, is worth 1.25p, an all-time lowA good investment?
Re: Please sir can I have some more. PondQuite agree that the value of investments can go down as well as up. My point is that I think this one should go up rather than down because the valuation is ridiculously low.I am pretty sure that both you and RAC are proper holders even if I have no idea why RAC, in particular, doesn't sell his shares. I always sell shares when I lose confidence in the management. I am going to buy more of these because they are very cheap and I do have more confidence than you in the management.I don't think Fokisi has ever owned any shares. Suggest you go back and read his posts over the last 8 years. No idea what his motivation is but it certainly does not appear to be anything other than to be malicious, even if mostly dressed up as polite enquiries. Use the author's post feature and then tell us what you think. Maybe he is a serial share shorter.BB
Re: Please sir can I have some more. Profit margins on monitors and probes are all there for you. Suggest you work them out and decide if you want to share them. Credit will be given for showing your workings. Margins on probes are splendid and getting better.Don't know that you will find much on introductory offers but that's because you conjured that particular whinge out of thin air, didn't you?BB
Re: Please sir can I have some more. Hi Busted Boomer,Whilst all views are welcome, why the sarcasm.Many including Fokisi, RAC myself and others have been invested in Deltex for years and the points you raise ( Why? Because, with cash in the bank, I can't see how my new investment won't triple or more pretty fast with potential to do a lot better. Suspect this is what the people putting up £1,750,000 think too so better to get even than get diluted) was also mentioned by some posters pre the last few money raising IE 21/07/17 at 3.73p, 10/03/16 at 4.4p.Many invested at these prices via the fund raising saying the same as yourself, I would think all of them have regretted doing so as they could obviously have bought cheaper in the dates between the offerings and today's price. who is to say that by end of this year the buy price will be below the 1.25p quoted for the latest money raising ploy.Of course hindsight is a wonderful thing and I am not trying to be clever, just pointing out that your reasons for buying via the fund raising might prove to be the wrong call. Equally of course it could be a good call.We 'doomsayers' tend to be so because we have been promised so many times of jam tomorrow and feel that we will be lucky to have even crumbs left at the end of it all.What angers us most is that Deltex still have a technology we believe in, problem is and always has been the management.
Re: Confirming details of Offer to existing ... Correct.