City Natural Resources High Yield Trust Live Discussion

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musker ron 07 Mar 2017

Re: Why is this dropping so much ...... All the big miners have come off their tops over the past few days bringing the whole resource sector down as China has cut its economic forecasts. Gold (27% of the portfolio) has also come down. We've seen an almost continual rise for over a year and has performed well. A retrace was almost inevitable.

le vin est par 06 Mar 2017

Re: Why is this dropping so much ...... Coming off a twelve months high, could be folks taking 50% profits. "Only" 20+% myself (plus divis) after recent dip.

sage in the hills 06 Mar 2017

Why is this dropping so much ...... ..... suddenly ? .......SAGE

PMP1 05 Feb 2016

Re: Director buying Directors purchased on 21/01 £16.8k & £9.5k, not exactly a large investment?

azzalyzarc 05 Feb 2016

Director buying I see some director purchases on 22/1. Nearing the bottom? I have held for some time (so not a great price now) and consider topping up.Recent interim divi maintained but what chance the rest of the year? This trust seems to focus on smaller and more varied comm cos, so maybe not as under threat as the big comm shares, but still caught in the poor sentiment.However iii shows gearing 60%+ - usually a warning sign.Any thoughts?az

geared bottom fisher 05 Jan 2016

Re: CULS buy back I would say they are buying back the CULS to stop their gearing level from getting too high- which doesnt suggest near term confidence.

soi 29 Dec 2015

Re: Discount HiUnfortunately first bought here at 105 or so, added at about 100.Intent was for up to 5 tranches, but had hoped on the way up rather than down.3rd tranche bought today at 84.5.GLsoi

pm42a 22 Oct 2015

Re: CULS buy back Presume the reason is that they are paying less now than they will have to pay in 2018 and also saving on interest. Not sure how it is being financed, but in view of the purchase size, probably out of income. Also paying quarterly dividends, which are welcome, though the Current SP means still well under water on this holding!

musker ron 21 Oct 2015

CULS buy back Would someone explain the reasoning behind the recent CULS buy backs? Are they being financed out of income or capital for instance?

tippytiddlers 31 Jul 2015

Now has been trading below 90p. In the words of Lance-Corporal Jones:- "Don't panic, Don't panic". Top holdings are Vermilion energy trust (P/E ratio 28.82 and Div yield 5.78%), Greencoat UK Wind (P/E ratio 13.5 and Div yield 5.50%), APA Group (P/E ratio 11.33 and Div yield 3.51%) and Central Asia Metals PLC (P/E ratio 3.81 and Div yield 8.47%). Assuming PlantImpact (AIM) and Sirius Resources are in the portfolio as growth opportunities. This trust has the option to invest in fixed securities and so lets hope the managers can rebalance with fixed securities if needed in the short term while oil and copper prices hitting lows again.


Re: Discount If you can catch close / sub 94.5 then your doing well to average in

FRTEB 08 Jul 2015

Re: Discount FWIW my target (lowest) price for this was 96p (as stated elsewhere - one or two here may be able to confirm). However, I started buying tranches earlier than anticipated due to poor returns on cash. My average here is now just over 102. Very tempted to add more but the situation in China is making me nervous so I will hold fire for the time being. Having said that I do think this is the bottom but DYOR.

Gwynfryn1 08 Jul 2015

Re: Discount Looks to me as if it has stabilized lately. The full page buy recommendation in the weekend's IC will help."City Natural Resources is doubtless a risky play. However, it looks like a good option for those expecting a re-rating in the mining sector and wanting access to resources stocks at a wide discount while taking home a solid, and growing, income. Buy."[link]

tippytiddlers 01 Jul 2015

I looked further into this trust and feel it is very well managed and decided to invest a small stake in it today (not a recommendation). The outlook for commodities is not great and so there may well be more volatility and so this is definitely a long term holding and not one for the get rich quick investor. My thinking is that the demand for commodities will expand over time as the world population grows. I considered BRWM and CYN and decided on CYN as it has a more diversified portfolio of holdings i.e. not just miners. Some considerations: (i) the trust holds smaller companies i.e. not your Rio or BHP (ii) Independent Group has launched a bid for Sirius Resources which is one of the biggest holdings in the trust and (iii) Raven Russia a property investment company specialising in commercial real estate in Russia. I like the fact that the trust holds alternative energy and agricultural shares (although not sure Plant Impact pays a dividend yet). BRWM seems to pay a bigger dividend yield and is at a very low attractive price. CYN has a history of growing the dividend and also holds preference shares and bonds.

Alan Watkins 01 Jul 2015

Re: Discount The 5 year chart is pretty depressing viewing - no two ways about it, I think! It's definitely becoming a High Yield stock, though - just not in the way I was hoping for.Any one any thoughts on averaging down - surely can't fall much further, can it?

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