What a lot of hot air! After following the ever downward spiral of Fitbug, I can tell you this company is just hype. No product, no software. The market is so crowded, Cloudtag as a new company doesn't stand a chance. I have no idea what its USP is, as a quick search shows dozens of others doing the same thing and if they think they can just pin a heart monitor to a t-shirt and its going to give an accurate reading, they are more insane than the people buying this stock.
Check what market says The potential here is huge and the ground work has been done, they have already disclosed who they are taking to about the product, bought more on this dip, looking for in excess of 20p by end of month. I got in at 6p when I saw the potential and have held since and increased today
Re: Why so quiet CTAGgers! Fair point, don't shoot.....but what if factors conspire to give this share a real boost upwards? PIs don't seem to be dumping in droves, do they! This is obviously risky, but personally, I'd like to stay in and watch closely.Steve
Re: Why so quiet CTAGgers! Take your money and run guys, youve done well but the funamentals here are missing. the dream is big but this will not be a fitbitrise, or maybe it will be a fit bit drop.You can ignore this but you cant say you were not warned. This company is just not worth the market cap and will not delivery the sales needed at the sales price and volume to support it. you also have to consider that there is no money, and that has to come from someone, that is you.I was in and am now out, good luck either way, but as you can see the good money and wise guys are getting out now.
NEW ARTICLE: These two AIM favourites could surge "LSE:HNR:Highlands Natural Resources and LSE:CTAG:Cloudtag both cluttered our email recently and a glance at recent trading data against these AIMs gives a clue as to why.Please remember the AIM is currently topping out at 800 points and we want ..."[link]
NEW ARTICLE: Trends and Targets for 7/09/2016 " HIGHLANDS NATURAL RESOURCES and CLOUDTAG (LSE:HNR & LSE:CTAG) both cluttered our email recently and a glance at recent trading data against these AIM's gives a clue as to why. Please remember the AIM is currently topping out at 800 points and ..."[link]
Re: Why so quiet CTAGgers! Well its nice to talk to myself until we get a string of followers
still stggers me how many people on LSE BB chatting away (although mostly about nonsense!)For newbies looking into this share , this Blog is a very good writeup of the reasons to invest in CTAG and be excited about the future prospects of this share =[link] IT
Why so quiet CTAGgers! Got some good increases here peeps!LSE forum has lotsa activity and I come here and nada for days...hahahacome on , lets get this BB going nicely to raise more awareness of this great share GLA IT
2p up in a day something is about to happen, been in this one for a while now, and a 2p jump in a day is unheard of, me thinks the money men have had the nod about new
10% up on no news intraday nm
One phone call away from global fitness leaders I've posted a new blog today [link] hope you enjoy!
Re: My cloudtag blog - Please feedback Outstanding contribution.Anything I find will pop ot down for you to use.Again, great stuff.Hope it turns out great for us all.Best wishes.
My cloudtag blog - Please feedback Taken me all day to create Hope you enjoy[link] appreciated would love to update daily with everyone's ideas all thoughts & findings my own at the momentcheers
Re: I'm in because.. Completely agree!Come back to LSE, it seems to have become professional again.. lol
Re: I'm in because.. Excellent post Liam.The next 2 weeks or so are going yo see a huge rerate of the share price.As soon as deals are announced, we will be 10 pence plus.Thanks for posting here.LSE is now a waste of time.Footnote.Let us not firget, this company is no longer speculative. To quote ABH "It is all happening this year"I know it is in a different field, but look at HMI. They are in production themselves this year, and share price gone from sixes to 20 pence plus in 2 weeks.Waut until CTAG announce deals, and when this is on the shelves.Could easily do 30 pence by end of September.Again, bset wishes Liam.