I have been invested here since news last year and managed to average down to 18p. Can anyone explain the process, should an offer be made? I understand that the SP will re-rate as soon as a firm offer is made and there might or might not be a bidding war. However, let's say it's 62p less effects of dilution and debt and the final price is 50p; in light of the fact only the assets are being sold, therefore, I will still have all my shares in and empty shell (old CRND), will I be able to realise the full sale value of 50p per share or could the SP suddenly increase or decrease. In other words at what point after the sale is agreed can I sell my shares and will I be able to sell them for the full value at point of sale?
Here's some news again,-[link] not sure if the other link worked properly for some. So you can see the next plant to be commissioned and come online in December 2015, so working on both plants up and running by 2016, the Amd will still take 3 to 4 years to get down just to 400 mbs, still think people want to buy this outfit? ATB
Peoples hands must be burning after all the back slapping and silly sp expectations, but no one mentions facts regarding the predicament the company is in? Well soon enough it will be their wallets that will burn, you all need to do some proper research on this crowd and stop being swept away with illusions. ATB
USA jobs report out at 1330 watch the price of gold move
Now is a good time for a big buyer to purchase shares without any disclosure
Looks like some of the daytraders are selling to make a small profit.No the wonder 70% lose money
Had to put up a sell before the next piece of B*lls**t hits the market regarding an offer has been made!!!!
CRD up 17%on JSE
More buys and sells but the SP goes down.Are the MMs getting illegal info.Unlike the USA there is some regulation to prevent this.it looks like manipulation but thr regulating authorities do nothing if there is any,disgraceful
You have to be an absolute twerp to believe these posters, if you can read then read rns's from the past, you all can't be that bloody stupid??????????????
I see sageAIM must have bought in this morning again, normally rabbit's for some days and then disappears, could be a shorter working both ends. Lots of self support here and patting on backs, good to see well thought out investment reasons, LMAO again
Looks like buys are 11.38 and sells 11.1,MM,s have a adjusted price to show all as sells,what a bunch of w..kers
Dead in the AMD water, atb
Are people waking up to this charade yet? If this company is not mining but scratching the surface then money is a problem, so when will they ask for more because they want their wages, they need some money until they have cleverly sold their shares before walking, mou's, it should read LMAO's